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Position:Home>Philosophy> Where is our love stored?

Question: Where is our love stored!?
People have an idea that love is in one's heart but is it really there!?
The heart is just an organ for sending blood with oxygen and nutrition to other organs and can't store our love!.
I always worder, where is our love stored!. I think it is always in the mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
umm nice question!.!.!.I think in the soul!.!.!.our head cause in memories and dreams!.!.!.
but when our heart start beating when we hug someone we love , or when we see that someone coming!.!.that anguish and contraction we feel at the stomach do not mean that love us stored there but manifested , I mean physically , the brain sends these messages and the heart starts beating so fast!.!.!.there could be other reasons for a fast beating heart though!.!.but it enables us to know whether we have true feelings for that beloved or not!.!.and it's really nice and a great feeling! I mean to love and be loved!.!.!.I think that when in love , love houses in all of you!.!.!.invade your body and thoughts, becomes everywhere in you and everything that count!Www@QuestionHome@Com

In our souls!!Www@QuestionHome@Com


in our souls,spirits,and memories!.!.!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmmm!.!.!. good question!. If it is stored in the soul, and your soul is eternal, does that mean that you will love (ie your family) forever!? I think it does!. That being said it is probably stored where every other feeling or emotion is stored (Dont know where that is though)Www@QuestionHome@Com

In a specific part of our minds, which stores our emotions!.
You're always in my mind!.!.!.!.
Isn't that what says the song!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

stored in our brain!?!?

I agree, its stored in our mind!.

Now here's a philosophical question: if love is in our mind then what would happen if our mind were to be changed someone how!. What if our brain was somehow scrambled in an accident and rewired!? Would be love people who we used to hate and hate people who we used to love!? I wonder!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The heart in my opinion is a metaphoric storage place for love the brain is what lets you FEEL love but in order to make that happen your heart needs to cerculate blood and oxygen to the brain so that you feel the feelings and emotions of love your brain and heart are kind of like lovers in a very strong relationship ONE can not live or love without the OTHER!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in your metaphoric heat and soulWww@QuestionHome@Com

i guess in our metaphorical heartWww@QuestionHome@Com