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Position:Home>Philosophy> Has A Child Ever Said Something Profound To YOu?

Question: Has A Child Ever Said Something Profound To YOu!?
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I think children are innately more in touch w/ who they are than adults are!. Remember the freedom and intense awareness you got as a child, just by running as hard as your little legs could take you!?!.!.!.!.

When I was a teenager, my sister (she must have been around 6 years old) told me, "You shouldn't be so angry all the time, it makes your face look funny!." LOL!!! I realized that I had been holding on to some anger for a long time and w/ that one strong laugh, I let it go!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All the time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ya!.!.!. my Niece who is 6 years old asked me if empathy is wrong because it makes her feel bad when saw some one else getting hurt and anything that hurts us or makes us feel bad is considered bad in general!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is dis girl near my home!. well i wont tell u in wich state she is but she is better now!. but the then she asked me dat y god did dis to her!.
i never answered to her question jst hugged her, and she said thnx!.

these two things are da most intensive things i ever heard from a kid!. (the question and the word of thnx at dat moment)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why are you here!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not directly to me but I took my young grandchild to the park one day!. He stood up on top a jungle gym and declared to another boy there, that he was the greatest, the smartest, the best ever!. The other boy said who cares and walked away!. My grandson jumped down and said to the boy, "will you play with me anyway!?"

Somehow it struck me that perhaps that is how it is with God!.!.!.!.He is smarter and greater than us but wants us to 'play' anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com