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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is there is happiness after sad and difficult times?

Question: Is there is happiness after sad and difficult times!?
It is believed that after every problem in your life there is happiness!
If there are problems in your life then they will end one day!.
Problems will not with you throughout your life!
Thats my view give your opinions!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I believe that if you have problems then sometimes it takes
alittle time and then you can be happy but the big
question is did you learn anything from your problems!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You tend to feel or value happiness after going through some tough situations because you act based upon opposition!. For instance,it's easier for you to value a sunny day after it rained the whole week!. Or you're most likely missing someone you wouldn't miss in case you were with that person every day - sounds kind of obvious,I know!. Of course it is possible to feel happiness after difficult times!. There isn't an apriori sequence,just the one you create!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You know, I think there is happiness because of the sad and difficult times!. How could you ever compare a glad time to a sad time if there are no sad times!.

Many people around the world use this fact to say that both happiness and sadness are bad and cause suffering!. I disagree with that thought and believe we should experience both ends of the pendulum responsibly!.

I agree with you, after every problem is resolved, the lack of a problem will bring happiness!. All problems have solutions, or else they are not problems!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think that happiness is temporary, after every problem there is relief and happiness, yes, but those positive feelings won't last!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Exactly!. We cause ourselves a lot of problems!. If we determine to hang in there & make it through the tough times, they will pass & life will be better!. It helps to focus on what we can do for others rather than on what is being done to us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes there is, for in order for one to feel happiness, one must feel sadness first, and vice versa!.

If you're feeling really sad or depressed, that means you must have been really happy at one point for something to make you feel that way, right!?

Use that to appreciate the happiness, and use it as a tool to move forward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only if you learn from the unhappiness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ying Yang or dulaity is inevitable!.
Poblemm will never end as long as you live!.different problems will come as one passes!.
I cannot remeber the sages name but I like whta he says!.

When i hit rock bottom I can only go up!.
Beware of the crash when I am on a high!.

Poet Mohit!.K!.Misra author of Ponder AwhileWww@QuestionHome@Com