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Question: How do thoughts create reality!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think that everything that we have in the world today started as a thought by someone, even if they didn't get the credit for it!. The world around them is the reality of there life as they know it!. I also believe that it's possible that anything that can be thought of, can be made into reality with enough time and technology!. A little faith might not help either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

everything begins with a thoughtWww@QuestionHome@Com

The common belief is that thoughts are always constructed into language, and it is language and NOT thought that constructs reality!.

The famous Austrian philosopher, Wittgenstein, even claims: "If I spoke a different language, I would see a different world!."

All language has certain ontological, metaphysical, and epistemological assumptions embedded within it!.

Addendum: A great example of how language creates reality is comments made by the New England Patriots football team!. The linebackers on the team are older than most players!. One of them said, "When we play well, they call us experienced!.!.!.when we play bad, they call us old!." The choice of term determines how we see them (as either positive--i!.e!., experienced--or negative--i!.e!., old)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on your view of the world!. Many people believe that they don't!.!.!.but most would agree that if you believe something enough you're perception of the world will warp to incorporate you belief!. This is a common explanation for why miracles are witnessed in many religions that seem to be diametrically opposed!. This in general is an idea from Kant, who said "To be is to be percieved" meaning that all we know of the world is through our warped perceptions!. There could be hundreds of other dimensions, there could be aliens sitting next to us!.!.!.but we wouldn't know if we didn't have the equipment to perceive them!.

There's also a more literal view of your question!. This is the idealist view of reality, meaning believing that reality is just in our heads!. This can be taken many ways, but it actually denies a literal physical world!. Instead this is more of a virtual reality, there are rules!.!.!.but the world technically doesn't exist!. In this view there could be one, hundreds, or millions of minds in existence!. All the minds could be working together to create existence or there could be a central server (like a god type thing) creating the world and it's rules for us!. In this view reality is just what we believe it is!.!.!.in fact some people believe that reality has changed as we've perceived it differently!. That there were dragons back when everyone believed in them and that science only really formed itself when people went looking for it en mass!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You se something, you think abt it, you think something relating to it, you think something new out of it, you give it a try and here it becomes reality!.!.!.!. isn't it SIMPLE!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My response here may sound as if I'm contradicting myself!.

Thoughts create reality when you're thinking in terms of creating art, new inventions, music, and things of that sort!.
also, I believe we "become" what we think about!. Example: I think about the bad things in my life, and my life will be sad!.

HOWEVER, a friend of mine was taught by her religious upbringing that "thoughts are things", meaning, essentially, if we don't talk about it, it won't happen!. I disagree with this completely!. Example: to not speak someone dying is to deny reality!. The fact that we discuss that persons imminent death DOES NOT make it occur!.

So, contradictory enough for you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thoughts do not create reality!. Reality is what exists whether you believe in it or not!. One of the greatest misconceptions we have is that this place, this world we inhabit, is reality!. It is not!. This place is a dream, a lifetime here is a day in school!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are thinking it is a sunny day and walk out side into the rain!. That is reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My thoughts seem to do the complete opposite of creating reality!. I look at everything and wonder how its even existing at all!. Everythings SURreal to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In addition to the other answers I'd like to add this:
For many years I have had the ability to project thoughts into other people's minds and lead them to believe these thoughts are their own!.
For example: I'm riding in the fast lane and a big Cadillac is in front of me going slow!. I look at the car, the lic!. plate, and what I can see of the driver!.
Then I calm myself, project energy up my spine and out the top of my head, and say to myself, as though I were the other driver:
"Weeellll!.!.!.Look at that nice fella behind me there, he's not crowdin' me, but I bet he'd like to get by!." !.!.!.or some such!.
The Caddy's blinker comes on, and he moves to the right!. As I drive by, he's looking at me and smiling, and I wave a Thank You!.
This happens every day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thoughts are the building blocks of everything including you,me this universe!.We materialise ourselves according to our thoughts our desires!.When one becomes desireless he or she no more materialises himself!.He is at peace with himself!.
Poet Mohit!.K!.Misra author of Ponder AwhileWww@QuestionHome@Com

Whoa! Here is a head trip for you!

Consider the experience that is: "Monday's are a Bummer!." Now, for some people, if not most, Monday's are often experienced as a "bummer!." There are a few insights into how thoughts create reality we can take from this everyday experience!.

1!. Where is the "bummer-ness" of Mondays!? That is, if Monday's were really a bummer, then how do we explain that some people actually love Monday's!. If, indeed, there is a factual reality, one that is wholly and completely independent of thought, then Mondays would be experienced as a "bummer" for all people for all times and places!. In this case, reality is not the Monday that is experienced, but rather, it is the Monday experienced through the thought that "Monday's are a bummer!."

2!. But where, then comes the "bummer-ness!?" Am I just making it all up in my head!? Is the only reality the "reality" of my own thoughts!? NO! Bummer-ness is a symptom of social thoughts!. Thoughts are socially kept alive through/with others !. Sheesh, that's a mouth full!. Let me explain!. So you arrive at work on a Monday!. Everyone seems slightly tired and a bit put off!. You walk past a co-worker and you ask them, "how you are doing today!?" She says in a very bummed out tone of voice, "meh!.!.!.it's Monday!." You then respond by saying, "yeah, I know what you mean" or "yeah, I heard dat!" In that very instant, that very moment, a social confirmation of the thought that "Monday's are a Bummer" has taken place!. Wittingly or unwittingly, you and your co-worker have just re-created and sustained "reality," the "reality" of the experience of "bummer-ness for Monday's!." Thoughts create reality, but those thoughts that create reality are social!.

3!. I can imagine at this point there is someone reading this who is saying: ok, fine!. But even if you experience only the thought of "Mondays are a bummer," there is still the "reality" of the actual DAY!. Now, to answer this question and to help continue to answer how thoughts create reality, we have to consider just how deep thoughts go to create reality!. If I walk outside today, it somehow feels like Thursday!. Even better, think about Sunday afternoons!.!.!.they have a sense about them!. It's as if Sunday afternoon just FEEL like Sunday afternoons!. My point is this, all experience of reality is saturated with thought!. The "feel" of a Sunday afternoon has nothing to do with the actually ecological, atmospheric, meterological, "day!." It is thought!. The day, on the other hand, is something else!.

4!. Finally, it may make sense to consider that "bummer" is a thought about Mondays, or that Sundays have a "feel" to them that is not a property of the "actual day"!. But consider this as well: "Day" is a concept!. "Sunday" is a concept!. "Tomorrow" is a concept!. "Actual" is a concept!. Anything that can be said about life is known thorough concepts, ideas, or, in other words, thoughts!. Though these thoughts are held together socially, much of our experience of reality is moved, pushed, and shaped by these concepts!.

It is near impossible to experience reality independent of thought, and reality is created through thinkers thinking thoughts together!. If this were not the case we would have no conceptual means of grasping our experience of life!.!.!.said in a playful way and to paraphrase Corey Anton, "the earth wants to know about itself, so it thinks up thinkers thinking about 'world!.'"Www@QuestionHome@Com