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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does anybody in this world look at life like i do ?

Question: Does anybody in this world look at life like i do !?
to me life is meaningless!. i say this to not make an excuse or to make anybody feel a certain way but seriously!. i have no religion and i believe we are here for no point!. i believe morals are fake and nothing is really right or wrong!. and if it is then wats does it mattter!? we are here then we die!. to me that is the end!. i just dont care about life much at all and i find many things to be stupid or funny!. nothing to me is serious annd i was wondering if anybody out there shared the same point of viewWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I know where you're coming from, but I don't see how it leads you to where you have taken it!

The things on which I agree with you:
No Religion
No Objective Morality
No Objective Meaning of Life
When we Die that is the End of Us
Many Things are Stupid
Many Things are Funny

I hold all of those positions in common with you, as do a fair number of us, hopefully a rising minority!. However, there is NOTHING about anything in that list which is depressing, negative or hopeless in any way!

I find those positions to be extremely freeing, beautiful, poignant, powerful, and so much more!. I would not WANT to live in a world where a Celestial Dictator pulled the strings and we had no more point than to grovel before him or her!. I would not WANT to live in a world where there was an Objective Point to life that was given to me that I had to live up to!. And I certainly would not want there to be some sort of Eternal Life After Death of any kind!. Eternity of ANYTHING is the definition of hell!.

With those positions that we both agree on that I listed above, your life is your own! You are completely free to live as you see fit, to take control, to be beautiful, to live the good life as you define it, and to savor the serio-comedic-tragedy that we know of us our lives and feel them to the fullest being an awake, aware, fascinating and fascinated being with a raised consciousness and a deep love of the world!.

I strongly encourage you to read Tom Robbins!. "Joy in Spite of Everything", a great starting point to any philosophy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read Kierkegaard, Sartre, Camus, Pirandello!. Look into the Art Movement called "Dada"!. You'll find kindred spirits!. Some absurdists and existentialists found the philosophies depressing, even "Naseating"!. However, for many, it became a freeing thought process!. And believe it or not, I think Zen Buddhism is a close cousin to existentialism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm here with you!. Life is just you living & then you die!. What's the point, right!? But for some reason, i won't just kill myself!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes I feel like that when I look at the big picture!.
I don't really care what was before the Big Bang and I don't really care what will happen when the sun blows up!. And the whole stuff in between seems pointless, especially when you think humankind might blow itself up before the sun does it!.

But when I look at the small picture!.!.!.looking at a beautiful sunset, falling in love, having an orgasm, giving birth to your kids, having a good laugh!.!.!.then I think life matters to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Please read the 'Book of Man' by Osho and you may find some meaning in your life!. Otherwise you shall run the peril of simply throwing away your life and then keep coming back in various life forms!. Seek Liberation and make this quest the very meaning of your life!. Human life is very precious do not perish fruitlessly, utilize the human birth to seek liberation!. Read 'Autobiography of a Yogi' by Paramahansa Yogananda and join the Kriya Yoga system!. But Please come out of your pessimist view of life, please, please please!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, essentially life is meaningless!. But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the f**k out of it while you're here!. What is always morally right is to not cause harm!. What is always morally wrong is to deliberately cause harm!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have the same point of view as you!. I see no meaning to life at all and although it has its fun points i really don't care about living all that much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that's called nihilism and I am nihilist to the boneWww@QuestionHome@Com

no!.!.!.!.start loving somebody!.!.!.you will start loving life!.!.!.and your views will change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ah, yes!. I used to think the same way!. But we humans are social creatures, dependant on one another for existence (as we know it)!. So yes, morals play a vital role in our existence!. They help insure that each individual life can continue living!. Religion is an important tool that allows us to deliver these morals to the masses!. Now, truly being objective you have admit that an unnoticeable unknown power/being could be judging/manipulating us whether it be in this dimension, another one, or quite possibly both!. There is far to much people are completely oblivious to for us to say concretely that such a being exists/doesn't exist!.

But speaking of life in general, as in all life, you could easily see that the point of life is simply to preserve that life you have, and to go on to give life through procreation!. It is the fundamental rule, ingrained into all living things!. All life strives to live in spite of other life forms!. The fundamental rule of nature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Having no religion makes you that way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com