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Position:Home>Philosophy> Describe the difference between Impressions and Ideas in philosophy. Which has p

Question: Describe the difference between Impressions and Ideas in philosophy!. Which has priority and why!?
also discuss the relevance of the Epistemological Principle and how it is involved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Every school of philosophical thought, i!.e!., Platonic or Aristotilean, etc, has its own definition of what an "idea" is!. The definition of "idea" between those two men is almost 180 degrees opposing, so describing the "difference" means you have to choose the philosopher you wish to discuss, then analyze his "idea" of "idea!."

There are 9 definitions listed in this philosophical dictionary

Epistemology is the philosophical science of determining how, by what means, does man know what he knows, and how does he prove he knows what he knows!.
Epistemology is turned on in the hard-wired brain at birth, and at birth the mind furiously begins trying to determine what is what!. It does not know the things moving are nurses and mom and the doctor; it first has to determine they are friendly and only there to help him!.

So, epistemology is the action in the mind of determining the validity of the senses: SOMETHING is happening; THINGS are moving; the moving THINGS are nice because I feel content and happy and warm and snuggly!. Etc!., etc!.

"Epistemology: (Gr!. episteme, knowledge + logos, theory) The branch of philosophy which investigates the origin, structure, methods and validity of knowledge!. "
Click on the link and you will find out how much I left out of this explanation!. Your question takes books to explain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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