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Question: Does death give life meaning!?
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I don't think death is the only thing that defines life, but it is certainly a big factor!. Without death, there would still be "non-living" states, for inanimate objects and living entities that have not yet come into existence!. Therefore, we could still appreciate all of the other unique qualities of life!. If life never ended in death, however, it would significantly change our conception of life, and how we live it !.!.!. and not necessarily for the worse, in my opinion!.

I'd love to live forever!. Why not!? It's a big universe with an effectively infinite range of things to experience, and if you ever did reach a state where you were bored with everything, where you had seen and done it all, perhaps there would be a way to induce amnesia!. Then it would all be new again!. Sounds like a much better situation than what we enjoy currently, which is several decades of conscious life, then nothing (at least so far as we can tell)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well yeah!

time would mean nothing, if there was too much of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Death basically tells me to make my dreams come true before I die!. : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

i guessWww@QuestionHome@Com

wow, yes!.!.!.thats a good little thing u got there

you rock =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it does because thats the way life is!.<<<my opinion!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Give life meaning!? depends who you effect within your timespan!. If you haven't been buried and forgotten already!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course!? Why did God put us here!? This life is but a breath compared to the eternity that is awaiting you in heaven!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Death is the door to God,to home we are in a temporary place and all must die!.
From Ponder Awhile


Death comes to you in the middle of the night,
Or sweeps you away in broad daylight!.

This being mans biggest doubt,
Death is not to be talked about!.

Where he comes from where he goes!?
We have no tangible proof that shows!.

The masters say there is a holy light,
In the beginning and during our last flight!.

How do I overcome my fear of death!?
By leading a good life and having no regret!.

The moment I die I must do my best,
To become one with the light, eternal rest!.

The soul must merge with the super soul,
Forever to become part of the whole!.

As long as I have much to give,
That is how long I will live!.

At the end to death I must go,
Finishing a real tragic and funny show!.

Poet Mohit!.K!.MisraWww@QuestionHome@Com

In the Story of the Prodigal Son, the world was described as a field of death, and returning to the Father being "alive once again!."

Buddha also described material life as a field of death!. So becoming dead to death is probably not all that bad!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No to me!. It only solidifies the temporal condition we live in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com