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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do spin docters tell us we have freedome of choice, When nature tell us we h

Question: Why do spin docters tell us we have freedome of choice, When nature tell us we have no choice at all!.!?
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How does nature tell us we don't!? There are a lot of things we don't know about nature, right now we can only explain things with cause and effect chains, but obviously this can't be all!.!.!.since in this understanding of nature there couldn't be a first cause!.

However, even though our understanding of nature is severely flawed this doesn't necessarily mean we have any free will!. We have a sense of free will and therefore should act as if we have it, but we can't really know!. It's been proven we have less free will than we think (many small choices are based on instinct or reaction), but on the other hand most people don't necessarily feel those were free choices!. The fact that we at times deliberate about questions is pretty astounding!.

I guess what I'm saying, is that nature doesn't say we don't have free will, but even though it doesn't say that we can't be sure that we have free will!. My personal view is that we have some, but not anywhere near as much as we think!.

Finally, you'd need to tell me more of what you mean by spin doctors for an answer as to why they tell you that!. There are people on all sides of the fences that believe in or deny free will!. I'd warn against assuming you have certainty about this subject since there is a LOT of uncertainty among the smartest people in the world about it!.!.!.and you and I are probably not anywhere near as smart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because they are the protogees of the MP's and they all lie and tell us we are living in Utopia when in actual fact it is they who are living in Utopia!.!.!.!.!.the rest of us have our feet fair and square in the mire!Www@QuestionHome@Com

you do have freedom of choice, its just the politicians tell you WHAT to chooseWww@QuestionHome@Com

Many choices presented are Hobson's choice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This question presupposes that "spin doctors" themselves are not in "nature," but it is difficult to locate anything outside of the category of "nature" (if we take it as the whole of ontological claims)!.

Thus, the spin doctor's claims are merely one element of nature aspousing a given position and conditioned, by nature, to do such a thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eh!? I choose every day - what to wear, whether to drive or walk, whether to have toast or cereal, whether to believe what's written or not, whether to listen to my fears or overcome them!.!.!.there's freedom of choice over most things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your thoughts is the only freedom you might have left so try not to have others take your thoughts away !.!.and tell u thats the wrong way to think !.!.!.even if you have to keep your thoughts to your self thats the only thing they cant take unless u give it!.!.!.!. every thing else!.!.!.!. everything can be just taken
your soul and your thoughts same thing u know what im getting atWww@QuestionHome@Com

Nature tells us we have needs that take up a lot of time!.!.!.!.to do what is necessary to get food, shelter, warmth, coolness, to have electric power, transportation, etc!. That we have to defend ourselves or our country from attack to survive!.

On the other hand the nature of our system of government gives us really little choice in what is decided about laws, taxes, foreign involvements, etc!.

So we settle for what freedoms of choice we feel we do have control over which may not be major issues!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is always a choice!.!.!. the decision might be between two undesirable outcomes but there is still ALWAYS a choice!. What makes you say nature tells us we have no choice!? The only thing that can be true about is death!. You do have to die and there is no choice!. But I can't think of any other instance when that statement is true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alas man is pummelled by society, coerced by, media, influenced by politicians, driven by fear and negativity, imprisoned by hate and ignorance!.!.!.

If he can battle his way our of that, then he assuredly is deserving of the kingdom of peace and heaven if only in the next world!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com