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Position:Home>Philosophy> We hear of systems being "independently verified and validated". But h

Question: We hear of systems being "independently verified and validated"!. But how clear cut is it whether necessary !.!.!.
certification, validation, accreditation, call it what you will, has happened !?
"We made these minor changes!. That shouldn't affect the accuracy"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm not sure of your question, but once a product is 'certified', any changes need to be vetted to ensure that those changes have not had any unintended consequences to performance of functions other than the those directly affected by the planned change!. This is called regression testing!.

also, need to make sure the planned change has been incorporated properly!.

The independent means someone who did not perform the design!. does not necessarily mean outside agenciesWww@QuestionHome@Com