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Position:Home>Philosophy> In this campaign, does it seem odd to you that Americans are giving their money

Question: In this campaign, does it seem odd to you that Americans are giving their money to rich people!?
The Clintons, Obamas and McCains are all rich!. Why do poorer Americans give them their hard earned money!? Does this seems ridiculous to you!?

A president will be chosen whether we give money or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No candidate is getting a dime from me, and I follow politics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, ridiculous, but I haven't given them a cent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's why I was an advocate of Ron Paul!. He was an OB-GYN whose average campaign donation was about 230 dollars per donor!. And he consistently outpaced the rest of the Republican nominees in terms of liquid cash reserves, despite their big time endorsements from major special interests groups!. But his exposure on traditional media was nothing short of pathetic, and of all the candidates, he was given the least amount of air time during the debates than any other candidate, including those he was more popular than, such as Tom Tancredo!. It turned into a shoving match between the "electable" Mitt Romney and the old war dog John McCain, and the press loves McCain because war makes for great news!.

But people don't want principled democracy!. They want popularity contests!. They want celebrities!. They want media darlings!. I don't have much faith left in American democracy, and Obama, despite being a stuffed shirt, is the only candidate whose character doesn't make want to upchuck!. McCain is a smug warmongerer and Hillary is a snake!.Www@QuestionHome@Com