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Question: Exam question help!?!?
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As a ‘Freudo Marxist’ Marcuse argues that play, pleasure, sexuality, etc!. challenge the strictures of capitalist society—thus making us freer and perhaps even healthier mentally!. How does this argument work!? Provide details!. Your answer must also include a discussion of one, Freud’s own view of things, making sure to indicate just how much or little Marcuse owes to Psychoanalysis; and two, Marx (and Hegel’s view) of liberation from oppressionWww@QuestionHome@Com

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Help!? Think you want us to do your exam for you! I don't mind giving advice, but where will you learn if someone else does it all for you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

ummm!.!.!. reading that almost gave me a head ache!.!.!. i'm sorry to be of no help but i tried and i don't understand!. ; (Www@QuestionHome@Com

Arrrgggh! My head hurts! I just passed that subject and no way would I go back there!.!.!.Well, good luck to you!.!. you might need it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com