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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have you ever feel so bad and you wanted to go to another world ? I mean fantasy

Question: Have you ever feel so bad and you wanted to go to another world !? I mean fantasy world !?
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You have been asking alot of these questions lately!.!.!.AND I LOVE THEM! :)
Fantasy is stunning it's like paradise
Final FANTASY :P is great to get lost into along with other worlds
Sometimes I feel really bad and I want to go into another world
but most of the time I won't even feel bad but still want to go into another fantasy world!.!.!.or like this world slightly altered to how I would like it
I really want to be able to defy gravity when i want to like DBZ

Maybe heaven is our only way to get to our fantasy world
but for now my mind is the only doorway to let me in and i hate it when i think that everything in my fantasy world isn't real
what is real anyway
gah so many questions :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

I already live in a fantasy world!. Everything in this world is fantasy; nobody can prove it nor can they disprove it!. But I do often find myself lost in a different fantasy world!. I think that everyone does at some point in time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you ever heard of the 'lotus eaters'!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I go to the land of Super Mario Bros!. 3!. Once I get my raccoon tail going I usually feel much better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

-I dreamed of a perfect world!.
-The life that shine like a pearl!.
-White and peaceful,
-With my strength of a bull!.
-There shall be no other perfect place!.
-In a world with my lover filled with grace!.
-Come and live with me,
-Your soul will be free!.
-Perfect! Perfect! Perfect!
-It's exactly what I expect!.
-Is it complex or is it simple!?
-Or is it filled with trouble!?
-I'm sure it'll be nice!.
-It'll not be as cold as ice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't feel bad, it is natural for a person to go to fantasy world, but be sure you are able to come back to real world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I was a teenager, I did nothing else but pretend to be other people, usually fictional people!. I thought, for a long while, I messed myself up by not living my own life, but it's just the opposite!. It helped me become me when I got older!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

of course!.
I like to play video games (role playing ones)
I make believe that I'm the main character in the game, and for that period of time, as I play the game, I'm someone else!. I'm living in someones world!.
I'm seeing through someone else's eyes!.
and also in my dreams!. at times I dream about myself in another world, where I have everything!. everything that puts a smile on my face!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you mean this is real!?gee how out of touch i am!.ive been without anything for so long i can do anything with nothin!.my hole life has been one train wreck after another!.and now im old!.shall i go on!?think i will!.toodle dooWww@QuestionHome@Com