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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have You Ever Got Bad Vibes From a Person?

Question: Have You Ever Got Bad Vibes From a Person!?
you didn't even know but were around!? And did you find out why you were feeling this way later on!?!?

I did: My story: I felt nauseous next to this lady that was sitting close to me, and I felt ill for no reason!. When I went away from her, I felt better!. Find out from her friend, that this lady is a liar, betrayer, and spreads gossip like wildfire to one and all!.

I guess you could say I am the total opposite and would never do this as gossip hurts peopleWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
All the time! I personally dont like to judge people but i cant help shake what my mind tells me!.!.!.

like a few weeks ago i met this girl at a party!.!.!. she was a friend of a friend and i just did not "take to her"!.!.!. i found myself just being irrtated at her presence and ofcourse, a few days later i had some friends saying to me that the girl had been telling some people some lies about me involving what had happened at the party!.!.!.!. i wasnt shocked at all, i kinda expected something like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've never had that physical of a reaction, but I've definitely had uneasy feelings from certain people, and most the time they turn out to be for good reason!. I really try to trust my gut instinct!. I think we have it for a reason!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have never had an ill reaction like that but I always get bad vibes about certain people and my instincts are usually right!. I try to stay away from people when I feel that way!. It's such and uncomfortable feeling!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because of the smell you get nausea means thats something to do with the smell from that lady but when you say like that you feel about their character its something new to me!.!.!.and I should say you have got a power to assess!.!.!.!.keep it going and spend few minutes with me and tell me about my character!. Test as many as people so that you can come to a conclusion u have certain amount of power :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

not bad vibes!. well u tell me wat it is!.
my ex-gf is very good lookin!. esp her eyes, brownish, real cool!. wen u look at her casually she is nothing but ordinary!. but wen i used to look into her eyes, everytime i had to remove my eye contact wid her!. it felt as if smthng wierd goin with da eyes or they had so much power in them dat i was never able to look into her eyes even if i wantd to!. spine chilling!.
mayb it was a bad vibe, i guess!.Www@QuestionHome@Com