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Position:Home>Philosophy> Homosexuality. what are your thoughts?

Question: Homosexuality!. what are your thoughts!?
do you have a philosophical view on this human characteristic!?
you can say it's cool, it's not cool!.!.!.!.but why do you think so!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Certain indigenous cultures actually gave prestige to gays, seeing them as "two spirits"!. In many tribes they were shamen and medicine men (and women)!. They were often allowed to travel more freely from tribe to tribe, as mediators, orators, tradesman and negociators!.

In Ancient Greece there was a similar culture respecting the accomplishments and higher philosphical disposition of gays!. It would seem as though egalitarian cultures value contributions over conformity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its fine, in my opinion!.
love is love, and you can love whom ever you choose to love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not cool, is not good in the eyes of god!.!.!. thats whyWww@QuestionHome@Com

The bible condemns this practice!. I also don't agree with it, it is obviously unnatural!. But i do not hate anyone who practices it also!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree with Nikki and flaca its not what God would like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think its unnatural!. it takes a male and female to reproduce!.
religion has nothing to do with it, its just wrong!. it is a fetish!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Someday they will find a cure to this disease!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Homosexuality is repugnant, especially the
male kind!. The female kind is tolerable, but also an unnatural way to express love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't really have any thoughts about, I don't see anything wrong or abnormal with it, people like different things, a lot of people don't eat meat and think it's bad, but obviously it's not, similarly, being homosexuality may be consider wrong by some, but it isn't, it's just a question of preference!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it is what it is, you can deny people the right to fulfill themselves!. it would be pretty lame for a lesbian to date a strait guy, thats not fair!. so it is what it is!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is considerable evidence that human sexual orientation is not an "either/or" but rather a continuum!. A person can be totally heterosexual, totally homosexual, or an active heterosexual with the occasional random homosexual thought, or anything else along the continuum!.

This is biology, not philosophy, so no, I suppose I don't have a philosophical view of human sexual orientation, except to say that one must attempt to understand and accept oneself and others!. Your question seems more one for mental health in this former regard!.

Managing sexuality becomes very complex because there is a nurture aspect to the expression of sexuality coupled with the nature aspect of orientation!.

Added as an edit given your clarification of the question - I suppose my philosophy of homosexual love would be pretty much the same as my philosophy of heterosexual love and platonic love and familial love: I heard an analogy once that made perfect sense to me: Love is rather like a magic bag!. The more you get out to give away, the more there is left there for you to feel!. Love isn't measured by the reception it gets, but by the feeling it provides the giver!. Just because love isn't returned doesn't mean it was not valuable!. Caring about those around us is always valuable, whether they care for us or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's fine!. It's two consenting adults!. Nobody gets hurt, unless they want to, there are no victims!. There's no reason it's bad except that it's gross and God says so!. Being gross is not a good reason to label something immoral or bad, and as far as God goes, well, I disagree, and honestly, it surprises me that God frowns on homosexuality!. Why!? No reason!. There are no victims!. Nobody is hurt, it only spreads happiness!. God wants us to be happy!. I wouldn't be surprised if God is ok with homosexuality, and that sexual purity is a priority of people who formed the religions around God, rather than God Himself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Homosexuality is a natural occurrence amongst a percentage of humans, as well as almost every species of animal, except for those that do not engage in sex!.

Being as it is a matter of biology, I can't see how morality comes into it at all!.

Edit: I guess I don't really understand your question!. I don't see how philosophy comes into it, any more than philosophy would come into deciding which is morally superior: short people or tall people!. I do wonder why people get so emotional about criticizing homosexuality!. For those people who want to use God to justify oppressing homosexuals, well, God made homosexuals!.!.!.and God does not make mistakes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not going to stop anyone from being gay but personaly I'm against it because it's against the bible!. But I have gay friends so!.!.!. yeahWww@QuestionHome@Com

I say being homosexual is cool with me!. I don't understand how others have the right to judge people based on this and deny homosexual people rights like marriage, especially since gay marriage doesn't affect anyone in a negative way!. As far as the god thing goes!.!.!.who even knows if there is a god!? After all The Bible is just a book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe it's something the person is born with and if they had a real choice at least 90 % of them would not be one!.

It's not in the 10 commandments so how much does god really disapprove of it !? Many sins are listed in the Bible but they are all far more acceptable than homosexuality seems to be!. Let he/she who NEVER does anything wrong condem these people!.

also, how do you know the appostles didn't slip in their own view points on particular subjects such as these and say Jesus said it !?

Jesus also said stuff about women being 2nd rate and clinging to their husband!. The idea in the Bible that you only marry to produce more christians!. A divorce is fine as long as it's so you can find a fertile partner!. These beliefs be dammed !

Many gays are the nicest, intelligent, and most honest people I've met!. There are many heterosexual losers out there!. Many are child or spousal abusers, murderers, rapists, nuckle heads like Britteny Spears etc!.

Therefore I believe each person should be judged on an indivigual basis and not according to their sexual prefference!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just posted the exact same answer on a gay rights question, so if you read it twice, please excuse!.

people are people!.
a priest is a murderer is a homo is a hetero is a teacher is a student is a dog is an ant!. We are all exactly the same, and we have the exact same value, because we are not even a microscopic speck on the face of the universe!. or even the planet, for that matter!.

everybody lives!. then everybody dies!. Therefore, your life is uniquely yours!. because you only get one!.

To say that someone is "sick" or "wrong" because they choose to live differently than you is very disturbing to me!.

Someone very, very close to me is gay and she and her partner are very in love, and have been for years, but they can't get married because someone else thinks that their way of life is "sick and wrong"!.

This is the USA, where all people are given the civil rights they deserve!. All that is, except for one certain group!.

That is what sickens me about our world!.

Everyone is all up in arms about abortion and global warming, when PEOPLE, living breathing walking talking PEOPLE, are suffering and oppressed!.

it doesn't make sense to me!.
and it makes me a little afraid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com