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Position:Home>Philosophy> HOW CAN I IMPROVE MY BRAIN capabalities?

Question: HOW CAN I IMPROVE MY BRAIN capabalities!?
for free!? can't afford college!.!.!.too dumb to get inWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
look up stuff online, wikipedia can be a very big help!. I'm sure there are other things you can look up too like google, then again you may need to have an idea of what you wish to know!. Like physics and molecules or biology or math, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, or history, etc!.!.!. just look it up the internet is pretty free or at least you obviously have acess to it right now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For free!.!.!.!.try writing without using so many or even too many,capitals!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are some open universities that simply require you to graduate highschool for admission!. Find a subject that interests you and start reading about it!.

As for brain chemistry, eat fish or take Omega3 fatty acid supplements!. Your brain is made primarily of fat, fatty acids are good for your heart and brain;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Pick a topic that you feel might be interesting to know more about!.
2!. Go to your local public library and read several books or articles about that topic!.
3!. When you are satisfied with the amount of knowledge you gained, select another topic and repeat the process!.

They're many people that for one reason or another didn't attend college who are a lot more aware and are alive!Www@QuestionHome@Com

read books and eat nutritious foods!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try to learn a foreign language!. Drill, use flash cards and what not!. Write essays and then proof read them as well as have others do the same (do this on paper first so the computer doesn't do the writing for you)!. Eat a proper diet and exercise regularly, being fit improves brain functions!. Don't let you defeat yourself, I knew a girl in college who could do the math, knew the steps to the processes and everything but if pressure was applied she would crack and start saying she couldn't do it (though I'd just witnessed contrary) and guess what!?!? once she believed she couldn't it became fact!. So don't go believing you are stupid or dumb, wait around if it's true plenty of other people will let you know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) Quit spending time on Yahoo! Answers
2) Look into an open admissions university!. If you are not into academic study, then study something "practical" that can allow you to have a job you don't hate, with some free time!.
3)In your free time, focus on one topic at a time, and become an "expert" on (or at least familiarized with) an issue or topic that interests you!. It could be anything from how volcanoes work to the history of a musical band you like!.
4) Find a group in real life or online who shares your interests!.
5) Don't do drugs!.
6) Eat good foods, exercise, and live a generally healthy lifestyle!.
7) Familiarize yourself with urban legends!. Many people, even smart people, believe urban legends without knowing it--go to snopes!.com to learn all sorts of them--it is informative and REALLY fun to read!.
8) Don't watch much tv!.
9) Try not to hang out with stupid people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you want to increase you abilities of knowledge, as far as advanced sciences!. look at your areas of interest, look for a good author to explain in applications as to something that would interest you!. A good and down to earth author for math and science is David Berlinski ( Tour of Calculus, Newton's miracle)!. also if money is an issue look for a discount book store!. You would be surprised what you can buy with 5 bucks!. Half Price Books is a good place!. Don't let your goals overcome you, wikipedia is a good start also there is a interactive website for mathematics called interact math that has a big variety of on line books and tutorials you can learn fromWww@QuestionHome@Com