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Position:Home>Philosophy> What does it mean when you have come "full circle" in your life?

Question: What does it mean when you have come "full circle" in your life!?
like over a period of 10 yrs and you start to "repeat" your beginning or whateverWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Every 12 years (some say 10) the same cycles come back around again!. If you do learn from them, the cycles change!. If you don't they come back much the same!. Cycle/Recycle It's karma!.

A book on the 10 cycles is The Life You were born to Live by Dan Millman on numerology!.

The 12 cycle one is largely based on astrology!.http://cgi!.ebay!.com/Predict-Your-Future-!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think I will have come full circle until I die!. When I go Home, the circle will be complete!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it just means you find yourself once again in the same position, like if a divorced person meets someone, marries, then divorces againWww@QuestionHome@Com

It may mean you still have lessons to learn or it could mean your journey is reaching completion!. Depending on what exactly you mean!. If life is repeating itself then I would say there are some lessons left you have not quite grasped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OK, this could be a tricky answer but really listen (read):

Are you over the age of 50!? If so, (literaly speaking) being a woman that means you have lived out at least 2 stages of life (Maiden, Mother)!. Crone is the next phase!. So basically, you have survived all of the trials and tribulations of those two aspects of a woman's life!.

Now, if you are speaking philisophocaly, then maybe those cycles that you are about to 'repeat' are here again to finish the lessons that were being taught to you from the first!. Maybe you have somehow earned a second chance to learn now what maybe you missed before!. I think Mother nature just likes to throw us as many curve balls as possible:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It means you're going through something in life similar to a past experience and you are seeing similar results as before---

ex!. past relationship where he doesn't work and sponges off you and instead of supporting and encouraging him, you find yourself angry and resentful to him which sabotages the relationship from succeeding!. You repeat the same pattern of selfishness and fear as before!.!.!.!.coming full circle and getting the chance to step up and grow, otherwise be destined to re-live it again!.!.!.!.!.

I also believe our personalities evolve in concentric circular patterns every ten years, and you find your life progressing or floating along in yearly phases!.!.!.!.there's a great book out there about it and I can't remember the title!.!.!.!.it's an astrological thing~~~~Www@QuestionHome@Com