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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you think of my oceanic metaphor—keep in mind the ocean is mighty deep?

Question: What do you think of my oceanic metaphor—keep in mind the ocean is mighty deep!?
I’m swimming up current in an ocean of my own tears!. There are no other fish around!. I’m by myself!. But that’s not why I’m crying!. I’m crying out of happiness; I am no longer a part of that wretched school!. What an ignorant bunch of fish-- all of them!. That school pushed me to the banks of insanity on several different occasions!. Conformity is highly overrated!. Creativity, ingenuity, imagination, resourcefulness, and the like— come hand-in-hand with individuality, something that didn’t exist in that school!. Great thoughts, great beliefs, great ideas, great notions, great actions, great life-related non-mentioned/pre-neologistic nouns, all greatness would never be if everyone swam the same direction!. Great does not just fly out of oceans of sameness!. Great results from individuality and thus can not arise from conformity!. I plan to fight for individuality because it fathers great like Triton fathers the sea!. It may be dangerous out here, but I’ll take my chances!. I’m swimming by myself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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It made sense to a point, but not the part about swimming in your own tears of happiness!. Sticking with that metaphor suggests wallowing in ecstatic self-delusion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry its a bit much, try scaling it back some!. no pun intendedWww@QuestionHome@Com