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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does it hurt guys egos if?

Question: Does it hurt guys egos if!?
if they were a player and got played!? and by how much!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm not a male - but I can take a pretty good guess and say that it would for the majority!.

Most of the guys who are classified as "players" only want to be them because they want to have all of the control over their relationships (whereas keeping up with the macho persona)!.

But when a girl comes along and plays them it makes them look like a fool, and no one likes that - but especially not a player!.

Because now he's not in control, he's just as weak as all the others that he's played!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't think this is a philosophical question, but i don't think they would cause if they got some, they still got some, if you get what I mean!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes ofcourse it does!.And it hurts far deep!.
Its just like a thief!.He will be very hurt if another robbed him!.
Because they are selfish!.they believe that no one should have what they have and therefore even what others have belongs to them!.
And in most cases they seek to revenge at all costs!
Thanks for asking, hope your not in that puzzle dear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com