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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does this intersect with your experience ? It reminds me of a safety-critical pr

Question: Does this intersect with your experience !? It reminds me of a safety-critical project my organization was !.!.!.!.
responsible for!.

<<The administrative class in there to regulate the exploitation of those who actually run the gears of the company, carefully screening out those who are too smart or who's diciplines are too isolated that they can't easily be replaced!. Corporations are not small companies, but more like perpetual motion machines!. Most corporations are getting anual funds from the state, and that means that even if you boycott that company (Wal-Mart, for instance) you're still paying to keep it going by paying taxes!. Those in lower and middle management act no differently than state-funded clerical workers!.!.!.!.which is, frankly, no different than Wal-Mart or Home Depot associates treat their own customers!. Ask, no one answers!. Nobody knows what their real job is!.!.!.just pretend to look busy so nobody asks questions!. Rinse,!.!.repeat!.>>Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, unfortunately, this "intersects" with my experience!. The thing that's most troubling to me, though, is the willingness of the people to go blindly along with!.!.!. We all know that corporations have exploited the masses, and government (with government's permission) for decades!. We've come to expect it!. As I said, it troubles me greatly that individuals are not willing to protest the situation!.

I think often of the oil corporations making 124 BILLION in PROFITS last year alone!. There is no shortage of oil!. If there was it wouldn't be PROFITS!. These profits are made with our president's okay!.!.!. He, along with Congress, is allowing the oil companies to bilk us!. And not even the people are putting the pressure on!. Americans have bought into the duplicity of an "oil shortage!." There is no such thing!.

So sad!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com