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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have you ever thought who we are,what are we doing in this universe?Whats our pu

Question: Have you ever thought who we are,what are we doing in this universe!?Whats our purpose of birth!?
This question is keep on lingering in my mind for a long time who we are and what for we are in this universe!. Making sex giving birth and learning things that already exist and earning to live a life and once again the cycle rotates after we die, its our children who continues it!? What's actually going on!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the purpose of life is to learn to accept difficulties and certain things for what they are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Purpose - to live until you die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


!.!.!.to share,
!.!.!.to give,
!.!.!.physical pleasures
!.!.!.to discover
!.!.!.to love
!.!.!.to receiveWww@QuestionHome@Com