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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's So Bad about Living in the Matrix?

Question: What's So Bad about Living in the Matrix!?
Do you think that there are things we value in life that we'd be losing out on if we plugged into an experience machine even if the operators' intentions are benevolent and we plug in of our own free choice!?

If you had the power to free people from the Matrix, would you use that power!?

Does it matter who's running the Matrix, and why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Most people are living in a sort of Matrix!. They are brain-washed in school, by society, and our government!. They think that the way they look and dress are so crucial!. They think that the time they waste playing stupid social games is also so crucial!. They are programmed to think, dress, and live in a certain way!.

People like me who suggest anything different are unpopular, if not down right detested!. Most people don't want the burden of thinking for themselves!. They are too lazy to go and find their own answers!.

What do you call that if not living in a form of the Matrix!?!?

Most people cannot handle a reality where they have to think for themselves!. They are on auto-pilot fixing their face, hair, clothes, etc!. Learning sucks to them, so NO!. No knowledge for the bulk of the people because they are lazy dead-heads whose only real aim in life is self-gratification!. "Do what you want!. Do what feels good!. Do what makes you happy!." Leave them in the Matrix!!

Yes, I'm still collecting thumbs-downs from all the unenlightened, brain-washed, "normal" people!. :-PWww@QuestionHome@Com

No matter who is running the Matrix, it is indeed worthless to live in it because independence or freewill is necessary to have quality experience in life and life is all about experience!.!.!. that is why even God has decided to give us freewill when He created us!.!.!.!. if God had not given us freewill, our experiences would have been meaningless and hence our life would have been worthless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The bad part about living in the Matrix is that it is a figment of someones imagination set to celluloid for commercial gains in the entertainment field!.
There isn't a soul there to free, not a single soul!.
Going there is a pipe dream and a waste of your valuable time here in the real world!. Going there on your own free choice means that you are daydreaming your life away!. That's the really bad part of the matrix!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This question is like a blade whose both ends are sharp!.
1st reply: If someone gets plugged into a machine like this by his/her own will and while inside the machine he/she is aware that everything is actually a computer game, yes why not!? Who are we to tell to the free citizens of the planet earth what computer game to play!?
2nd reply: I would free people from Matrix if they were not aware of the stiuation!. Theyve been playing a game but they have no idea about it!. If I had the chance I'd free!.
3rd reply: "Who" is the key question here!. A single person or an oligarch running something like that claiming that they know everything good for their people, without any opposition on the way, is unacceptable!.
Actually all the answers are obsolete if the persons in that machine are not aware that they play a video game!. If they are aware tho, the other questions can be considered!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

An interesting question!.

Because if we follow the movie as it had the situation, everyone in the Matrix was there by choice!.

They didn't have the choice of being plugged into it or not; but according to the Oracle if they didn't want to be part of the Matrix, they would simply choose to die!.

That was the reason so many of the previous attempts at a Matrix by the Architect failed; he built it without allowing them a choice in being a part of it or not!. The Oracle pointed out to him that as long as they chose to be there, even if the choice was on a the most basic subconscious level, they would accept the Matrix!.

So everyone was there by choice, even if it was a subconscious choice!.

I guess with that knowledge that they are choosing for themselves; I would probably avoid waking them up!. But that only assumes that the operator's intentions were benevolent!.

The movie had that the machines were not benevolent!. They were at war and were trying to eliminate Zion; using the plugged-in humans as power generators!. If I am at war with the operator, I try to beat that operator in pretty much any way possible; including removing people from a system they do want to be a part of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Living in two realms is equally as much a waste of time as living in the one, if both are contaminated and diseased with eveil!. Mankind is a easily seducable mammal that is led astray by any evil wishing to facilitate its energy for gain!.

Living held captive in a three dimensional realm is easy as one has control and power of those three realms and can expediate peace and harmony and liberty efficaciously!.

Unfortunately the evil that slipped through the door dogs the one caught in the matrix, causing chaos disorder and mayhem!. The highest power is constantly tormented, whilst the dogs* or anti-gods are exalted glorified and have their praises sung from morning till dusk!.

The last laugh is always with the highest power, being wisdom, as invariably the witless wonder that is the vociferous voice of man will always be in hell, whilst heaven and eden is where wisdom love and peace dwell!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The matrix is a lie!. The people used in it are ultimately batteries who cease to exist!. It's about freedomWww@QuestionHome@Com

That issue was explored by the movie The Matrix!. Remember, there was a guy who decided to go back to being an ignorant person in the matrix!. He believed that ignorance is bliss, and chose ignorance!. In contrast, most people have an apparently instinctive desire for truth, reality, and knowledge, even when the reality is unpleasant!.

For a more practical example, consider why and why not a person would want to know that their spouse is cheating!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Great questions!.

Okay I take into considerations the movie's real world situation: scorched sky, scarce resources, living underground, only thousands of people, helplessly chased and killed by sentinels, etc!. So my answers are!.!.!.

1) With the assumptions that the operators' intentions are benevolent and people plug in of their own free choice, I say living in the Matrix is really not bad at all!. People enjoy better, higher quality lives!.

2) No, we would not miss out on anything outside the Matrix!. The Matrix provides richer world with more things to enjoy and billions of people to interact with and learn from, instead of just thousands in Zion!.

3) No, I would not free people from the Matrix!. I do not want to be responsible for their miserable lives in the real world!. That real world cannot support billions of people!. If billions were freed, most would just die!. And the few survivors would likely wage wars between humans fighting for scarce resources!.

4) No, it does not matter who's running the Matrix as long as humans are preserved (directly or indirectly)!. Perhaps, in that kind of real world the Matrix is the smartest way to survive billions of people!. Or else, we'd kill each other for resources!.Www@QuestionHome@Com