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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can you manifest energy through Pure thought?

Question: Can you manifest energy through Pure thought!?
What do you think!? :)))Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Your thoughts are the currencies with which you exchange energy with the universe---- Thoughts have energy!.---- Negative thoughts create negative events---- Positive thoughts create positive results--- The energy of thought is either stored in physical structures or is transmitted into the universe, it never dies!.
Negative thought looks for other negatives thought energies to bind with--- Eventually a matrix of negative thought energy is created and forms a thought wave---- These powerful negative thought waves manifest themselves in our lives in the form of poverty, crime, war, plagues and natural disasters!.
If you are a source of positive thought energy, positive and beneficial energy will return to you in many wonderful and unexpected ways---- Positive thought energy creates a surplus; it is the surplus of positive thought energy that allows for the creation of life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, but I have no pure thoughts!. Wish I did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

pure thought is energy!. everything is energy!. so i suppose, yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If this is a plausible idea, then that energy would have to come from somewhere!. Energy does not and cannot be created ex nihilo, or from nothing!.

The laws of thermodynamics state this quite clearly!. Energy is neither created nor lost!.

So, this energy would either have to be taken from an internal (bodily) or an external (nature) source!.

Certain masters of Asian martial arts have claimed to be able to project their inner energy, or "ki" in a visible form of light, and even launch that energy as a projectile weapon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Physicists deny that it is possible to create or destroy energy or matter!. Though it is possible to convert between the two, on quantum scales, temporarily!. For example, it has been observed that particles may spontaneously be created in a complete vacuum (energy is present in the vacuum)!. Some physicists say that the Heisenburg uncertainty principle can, in it's energy-time form, be used to determine how long the particles can exist before annihilating (for any particle that forms, it antiparticle also forms!.) Other physicists claim that they are misinterpreting the principle!.

Thoughts are not physical objects so they, themselves, have no energy!. The process by which we actually do our thinking involves the use of energy but energy isn't created in that process!. Energy that we already possess is utilized!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes you can manifest energy through pure thoughts by deleting hatred,jealousy,fear in your mind,and substitute it with love and tranquility!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If thought comes from electrical impulses in the brain, then logically any form of thought would require energy!.

That being said, I'm sure it can take a lot of energy to have impure thoughts as well ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

a thought is just a thought!. its force is not strong enough to produce and make energy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not directly!. But if we set ourselves on a certain path by our way of thinking, it will have real results!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thought is energy,
a frequency pattern,


it is scientifically possible!.!.!.
"thoughts become things" this is the law of attraction!.


Yes , I have done that !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not as such, i!.e!. not in the literal sense of a physical force emanating from the mind as a result of mental activity alone, except in the trivial sense of weak electrical energy detectable by sensitive instruments on the scalp!. However, in a social psychological sense you can!. Positivity and negativity manifest through the likes of body language, image, tone of voice, sociability and the like can lead to a similar response from others, for instance they may respond to you negatively if you have negative expectations due to actual detectable evidence of that fact, perceived by sight, hearing and other conventionally understood senses rather than ESP!. Another process operates through the mechanism of probability!. An example would be that an optimist may see more opportunities than there really are, whereas a pessimist may see fewer!. However, because an optimist takes advantage of all perceived opportunities, regardless of whether that perception is accurate, and is less discouraged when they aren't there, they may have an advantage!. The reverse is also true!.

Therefore, whereas the manifestation of energy through pure thought is not literally true except in very trivial ways, there are reasons that believing that it is may seem to explain what happens in one's life!. However, it's important to identify the limits of that power, which can be done by analysing it in this way!. It just isn't so that one can attract cheques in the mail just by thinking about them (unless that's what one is already paid to do!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

terrific question!. thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It had never entered my mind that you might manifest energy through Pure thought, but I do believe you can do it if you believe it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Positive thought gives me energy, like glass is half full,
count my blessings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Righteous anger!.
Holy Spirit leading , guiding!.


I always thought pure thought is energy plus spirit!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pure thought is energy!. Everything is energy!. Perhaps what you mean to ask is can a specific form be manifested as the result of having pure thoughts about it!? The answer is yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely!.!.!.energy attracts energy, a thought is energy!. So few embrace this power to it's fullest extent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com