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Position:Home>Philosophy> Should we learn philosophy's mistakes?

Question: Should we learn philosophy's mistakes!?
Or should we focus only in what is right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Philosophy can't make mistakes, only humans!. Of course it helps us to analyze our own and other's mistakes, thats a major component of learning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definately yes!. Part of philosophy is learning what is generally agreed as right, but the majority of philosophy is learning how to think logically and methodically to come up with your own conclusions!.

Learning flase conclusions and why they were false, then learning what was adopted as true afterwards and why it was adopted as true helps a person understand the progression of thought!. It helps solve future problems and it helps a person find inconsistencies in current accepted theories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Philosophy isn't an exact science and not anything that would change the world!. It is a way for us to discuss the questions of life
There is NO right Philosphy!.
Thus, mistakes are a subjected things
There are no mistakes , there are just different thoughts and opinions!.

Being not an exact science, it's merit isn't on what is right or wrong!. Because there are many people with many answers!.
There is no right or wrong answers!.
It is a way to discuss ideas and understand the mysteries of life!. We all see things differently, thus, there is no right or wrong!.

To focus on what is right!.!.!.!.!.!.Who's version of what is right and wrong!. There is no right or wrong!. There are just a variety of answers!.
Just because one person has a difference answer to a philosphy question doen't mean there is anything wrong with a varitey of thoughts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Man grows only when he understands why others err!. If he angrily seeks to emulate that which he knows to be wrong, he undoubtedly ends in a rut that he cannot defend!.

Understanding why instances occur in the manner in which they do, helps not only remedial measures but the opportunity for us to learn!.

If of an anger you proceed to act in an irrational way to silently make a stance against something you deem, to be unfair or unjust, very little is gained or progressed but much is lost!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com