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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do we make too much about religion and god?

Question: Do we make too much about religion and god!?
I think that we waste too much time on religion and god, not dissing religion or anything!. But here's my point: So many people worry about who is right and who has the right religion, etc!. I wonder if we spent that time on helping people in our cities and country and overseas as much as we do on who is "right" then the world would be better off!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In my opinion, you are right!. People do spend to much time on this!. For example, there's a religion that pray to more gods, but yet Christians argue and say there is only one god!. If the other religion believes in more than one god so be it!. That's their religion, period!. We have to understand that we live in a country of different people, different cultures, different religions, and etc!. While were arguing about religion and gods, we can help the Earth from global warming, help people that are sick and/or poor, and etc!. If you come across a religion you don't agree with, then deal with it because its not your religion!. If a certain person believes on a religion, let them, it's most likely part of their culture!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All that matters is trying to be the best person you can possibly be!.

It doesn't matter if you are religious or not!.

I think the worst kind of people are those who say "If you don't join our religion then you are going to hell"!.

If god really is out there and cares, He's not going to send you to hell if you are a good person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im all for the discussion of religion, but religion should be a private thing, and not practiced in an organized manner!. People need to take in from multiple sources and find whats right for them, then they wouldn't feel so insecure about death and the afterlife, and concern themselves with the things they need most at the present day and time!.
Im far from christian, but i like the idea of personal belief!. i just think how we deal with religion needs reevaluating!.

For the most part i agree with reyjakai5!. After all, why is it necessary for a supreme being that be believe in him!? If a supreme being is all powerful, what does he need with worship!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

agree with reyjakai!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe you are following the wrong religion (or interpreting it correctly)!.

Besides, God guides to the straight path whom He wills!. If you take one step, God takes ten!. You just need to believe in Him and he will guide you!. First of all, try to purify yourself spiritually/morally by being good and then reassess your comment regarding God and religion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know!. Do you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am a muslim man and i think we should be more religious !. i am 20 years old !. i am a true virgin !. love before marriage is forbidden in my religion !. still i think i have to do more for my religion !. i want to go heaven !. and if you want to go heaven you will have to help people !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with reyjakai5!. Religion is a human construct!. As such, it is not perfect!. I dislike religions that say God is good and all-forgiving but!.!.!.To me, there is no but!. Either God is all-forgiving or not!. I also don't like it when others say that their religion is the true one!. I say that as long as that religion does not preach destruction, mayhem, and chaos then fine!. People do spend too much time talking about how good their religion is but then they just remain like that: talking!. Do something for crying out loud!. If your God is all-loving, peaceful, and everything that is good, then follow God's example!. None of this "You are unclean so die!. My God do not love you" thing from those people who claim God is all good!. Hearing such thing makes me want to just want to get away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Can't forget all those religious donations and wars either :P

I'm sure they could be put to better use, but some temples they used to built were awesome!.!.!. Churches lack that somewhat today, with exceptions,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly Yes if you have ever read the bible you really realize that all the examples god sets is really COMMON sense Im not religous and this is one reason why!. Do unto others as you want to have done unto you!. Religion is over rated just love people be kind and never give up! Time is very wasted on whos wrong and whos right, everyone has their own black and white but when you mix it all together its gray anyway!. No body is right, yet no one is wrong!. People do need to focus more attention on just helping, understanding, and doing the BEST we can! Im glad someone else is useing their brain instead of following someone elses ideas of what religion is!Www@QuestionHome@Com

To be fair, religion is the private business of those with trust and faith!. It is okay to promote a good thing, as protected by freedom of speech!. Plenty of religious groups do good in the name of their god(s)!. The problem is when they do evil and exploit that trust and faith of good people!. The problem is when people are rendered as helpless victims by their trust and faith!. Hope is a dangerous illusion at the time when people, governments or religions fail their moral test or their responsible duty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think so, because a lot of religion is figuring out how best to live, it might seem contrived in a capitalist society but I think it's a fundamental question!.

You have to keep in mind human beings are fundamentally selfish (in my opinion, obviously)!.

However, I think the wars over religions are just an example of jingoism which is unhealthy and unhelpful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think people, for the most part, do what they "feel" is right!. Even criminals plotting their next crime have come to distort their concepts of right and wrong to such a degree that they feel they are basically good!. Slave owners before the US Civil War felt that they were doing the right thing!. Hitler was trying to do what was right and Stalin was trying to do what was right; the problem lies in the distortion of what is right and what is wrong!.

Without a standard for right and wrong and no authority behind whatever standard we have, we will eventually just do what we feel like doing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's exactly what i think!

Much precious time is lost, unfortunately!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree alot of time is wasted on debating differing beliefs!. I don't think you can "make too much" about God if you believe in Him!. It would only encourage you more (to spend time helping people)!. I'm talking about walking the walk, not talking the talk!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes cuz u are all stupid there is no such thing as a god except me syke im just playingWww@QuestionHome@Com