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Position:Home>Philosophy> What brings you the most joy seeing?

Question: What brings you the most joy seeing!?
As always I ask this with Metta/Loving Kindness
(((((May all find Joy)))))
Thankyou for answeringWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have noticed more and more that schoolkids often greet each other with a hug!! And just recently, I went to meet my son for lunch, and on the way, met up with a friend of his who agreed to join us!. As they werent expecting to see each other, when they met, they shook hands and hugged each other!!! I don't ever remember this sort of thing when I was a kid, and i just think its so nice that schoolkids etc feel so comfortable with each other that they hug each other!. I find it quite heartwarming!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Seeing another human being in a moment of a complete lack of self-consciousness!. Like catching a woman, when she thinks no one is watching, tap dancing down the steps to the Metro train!. A mature woman enjoying a simple moment of life as if she were a little kid again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

looking on the one i love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My wife and daughter sleeping beautifully when I am up and off to a meeting!. Makes me happy to know my family is safe and secure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Seeing God's love and power touch somebody's life in such a way that they become completely set free from whatever the need!. Sin, depression, healed of sickness, incurable diseases!. (yes, I have seen that)Www@QuestionHome@Com

my little sister and my puppy!.lol!.sike my family and people doing good things to and for other people!. and when people say" have a blessed day, or God bless you" that makes me feel really good!. like, this person gets it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lets put some flour in a glass of clear water and stir it!.

i see a glass,
i see flour,
i see clear water!.
i see them mix,
and i see it clear!.

it give me great joy that my mind is clear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mother and baby!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my bedroom when i wake in the morning and know I'm still aliveWww@QuestionHome@Com

my grand childrenWww@QuestionHome@Com


I think I get the most joy from seeing my niece who is two years old!. I suppose most people like babies and infants; it's part instinct to care for the young, but also there's a stronger sense of humanity when you attach yourself to new life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My 14 year old, walking out of school, laughing with her friends!.!.!.!.the bunnies, mallard couple and birds all eating the food we put out in the early morning as the sun is rising and most of the neighborhood is sleeping!.!.!.!.my neighbor's puppy (a goldendoodle) romping in the yard!.!.!.!.my garden starting to bloom in spring!.!.!.!.my dog, who we rescued from an abusive home and rehabilitated, sleeping in the middle of our king size bed, with his head on the pillows!.!.!.!.and the cat curled up sleeping in his tail!.!.!.!.
!.!.!.!.!.thank you for askingWww@QuestionHome@Com

My baby niece, the smile on her face when she sees me first thing in the morningWww@QuestionHome@Com

That's tough!

My children smiling, because the light goes all the way up to their eyes!.

The sun rising, because it holds the hope of a new day full of new experiences, or old ones enjoyed again, and new decisions!.

The dew on a flower that is blooming!. Fluffy white clouds against the blue of the sky!.

Ivy on a ruined castle!. It looks really beautiful, though not because of its symbolism!.

A horse prancing!. Kittens playing!.

The blue of my husband's eyes as they shine when he admires me, even after 10 years of marriage and in spite of the fact that I'm fatter than I was before our last child!.

I think perhaps that cataract surgery in both eyes has made me extra thankful for my sight and thus many of the things I see!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Glancing upon beauty goodness wholesome radiant faces and saddened little souls that brighten with a little sunshine!.!.

The gentle knowing looks of the elderly , the innocence of little ones, peacable souls, and honourable men!. People who live waging war for the misfortuned and destitute!.!.

Selfless souls who become greater in their humanity toward their fellow man!.!.!. giving their time and love to others simply for love, to strengthen love, and further the cause of love!.!.


I was at the check out in the supermarket yesterday, there was the most gorgeous baby; grinning and full of joy!. No matter what sort of "bad" mood anyone was in, I bet no one would of been able to defy smiling back! The baby was adorable, gorgeous, innocent and just full of love!. You can't help feeling touched and moved when baby's grin at you! You *know* they are not "after" anything! They have no expectations of you!.!.!. they just ARE!. I also have tremendous joy when my little three-legged Bichon Frise Lily is loving and snuggling up! I am always pleased when she does a "good" recall and comes back!! I also find great pleasure in seeing natural things outside in the sunshine, lovely flowers!.!.!. bluebells in the woods, tulips, daffodils in bloom etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

baby animalsWww@QuestionHome@Com

It changes each day, as every day brings new joy and new meaning, however today what brings me joy is to see new life in the form of buds appearing on the trees!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Double egg, bacon, black pudding and mushrooms; two slices of bread and butter; a mug of tea; the sunlight shining through the cafe window on Haverstock Hill!.

Your name is far too long!. Why don't you just call yourself Kevin!?Www@QuestionHome@Com