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Position:Home>Philosophy> Which has greater reality, our thoughts or our actions?

Question: Which has greater reality, our thoughts or our actions!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hate to say it, but there is no reality, only what exists in the mind of the person thinking it!. You are going to have trouble finding a good answer to this one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Our actions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One reality - seven billion interpretations of it, but only one!.

So, "the greater reality" is a meaningless phrase!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

our actions, b/c they can be proven!.!.!. our tho'ts can't be proven!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

our thoughts because they basically control our actions so if we all acted without thinking it would worth nothingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone else just thought that we acted and we only thought that they acted!. But if we act without thinking is it worse than thinking without acting!?

Actually, our actions!. We can think whatever we want!. It doesn't effect the world the same way until we either speak it or do it!. Therefore, our actions have a more powerful and direct "reality!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

What we think, has a major impact on how we feel, if we think negative things, that effects our mood!. So that is real to us at the time, and can also effect others, because if we are feeling bad, we usually pass that negative energy onto other's in some form or another!. ( The same goes for positive energy)

What i'm trying to get at is that thoughts come first, before the action is performed, but its 'on doing' that makes the thought real!. ie we can think for years about doing some course, but its not real till we do it, so on that basis i would say that actions have a greater reality!

I hope this makes sense!Www@QuestionHome@Com

our actions--- because they affect the people around us who in turn affect us, but of course, actions stem from thoughts ---but not all thoughts are put in actionWww@QuestionHome@Com