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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that good and evil exist just as they are in eternal conflict with

Question: Do you think that good and evil exist just as they are in eternal conflict with each other!?
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i don't have an exact answer to that question!.!. i know that good does exist!.!. but i consider evil not to exist!.!. for me evil is the absence of good therefore it is not something of its own to discuss its existence!.!.!.!. just like obscurity is the absence of light, i see evil to be the absence of good in people!.!.!. they are not in an eternal conflict: if one exists most likely the other is absent, and when the second is present, the first is not!.!. we may have some internal conflicts when it comes to good and evil, that's because we think too much about ourselves and how we could benefit! !.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think they exist, but they are not in conflict!. This world will always have enough room for both of them to exist and prosper!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not as entities no!. Yet there are things we deem good/evil!.!.!.!. This is us humans trying to make logic of everything!. I wouldn't say it was a conflict either, it's more a balance!. One needs the other, it's the very essence of existence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Vax has been reported!.

I believe good and evil exist in many forms and there is no clear line of distinction between the two!. A good move can have a bad consequence, similarly a bad move can have a really good consequence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no they must exist both for one to exist!. they need not be in any type of conflict!. for good acts to exist, evil ones must!. like for being rich to exist so must being poor!. either you have rich and poor, or everyone is even!.

well either you have good and evil acts or acts just are!. such as with most other animals!.

we are capable of evil since we can know the results of our actions and their effects on others and knowingly do harm to others!. other animals cannot do this!.

but capacity of doing evil and there existing evil acts is different!. there good be a world where we were all capable of evil but no evil acts ever occurred!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, but as concepts within man's spiritual struggle to decide between one and the other!. According to Judaism they are illustrated by the good and bad inclinations in the human nature!. The conflict therefore is
not eternal as man is not immortal!. Death, the universal equaliser will put an end to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For basic relativity to exist, so does a comparison of positive and negative in any action!.

The question must be, is the negative the older twin, or the younger !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think good and evil are entirely subjective and depend on ones perspective (actually I think they are a religious legacy we can probably do without, as i think they deliberately polarise and obscure important moral/political issues and other concepts may be more appropriate)!. You only have to look at the Iraq war to realise that the good and evil binary is a rhetoric active on both sides and entirely interchangable - not to mention unhelpful and inflammatory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no good and evil, only constant, remorseless Change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We human by nature is good!.!.!.because the source of our creation is all good!.!. evil or sin are deviation from what God wants!. The conflict exist because of the FREE will given to us!. otherwise man will be forever good!.!. the right to his choice!.!. what will eventually influence the free will the self interest or what is easy!.!.!.
easy life teaching is far from what God desire for us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com