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Position:Home>Philosophy> Life is all about involvement...State Your Views..?

Question: Life is all about involvement!.!.!.State Your Views!.!.!?
I find that life is just the involvement!.!.!.i mean,its how!.!.we are watching our favorite movie and though,if an insect bites us!.!.we are not aware about that coz we are deeply involved in the movie!.!.!.According to my perspective,life has the same thing!.!.State your Views!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes!.!.!.in other words!.!.!.to live every moment to the fullest!.!.!.to enjoy everything and every feeling!.!.!.

if a person knows the art of living the present fully!.!.!.with his/her heart,mind and soul into it!.!.!.then each moment of his/her life becomes beautiful and very well lived!.!.!.!.

when we r enjoying a movie as u said!.!.!.if we just have our mind on that film!.!.!.enjoy it!.!.!.then we r making that moment so wonderful!.!.!.free of all other worries!.!.!.

when we have to do some work!.!.study or anything!.!.!.then we must have our mind in it!.!.not thinking abt something else!.!.!.that will be "quality study"!.!.!.

so!.!.well said frend!.!.!.live each moment with ur complete involvement in it!.!.!.only then one can live every moment to the fullest!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

drink some water and give me your veiw on thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

then i do not want to be alive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like your question, but it seems redundant!. If youre watching a movie and a bug bites you, the movie and the bug are both part of being involved in life!.

That goes on to say that no matter what you do, if youre alive, no matter what youre involved in life in some way!. For instance im sitting here right now and my cellphone goes off!. I'm completely involved in typing my answer but ill stop typing to answer the phone!.!.!.I'm still involved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Involvement is a certain state of mind!. It may be of high and low in activities !.Activities determined the result!. Activities with out moral values never bring good to the life ,whether it has involvement or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have see in Discovery channel, a snake has got a frog in its mouth & the frog see an insect flying by & it sticks its tongue out to catch it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hehehehehe!.!.!.!.is it u asking this question!?!?!!!!!!!!

for me life is enjoyment and not involvement!.!.!.
live life with
3 e~~ energy,,,,, enthusiasm,,,,, empathy:):)
3 f~~ family,,,,, friends,,,,, faith:):)
3 l~~ live,,,,, laugh,,,,,love:):)


I think life can't be defined in a single word!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

Yes of course we need involvement, but I don't think life is just the involvement!.!.!.!.!.

Life is a mixture of lots of things and we can't compare life with just watching a movie!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

Even though its our fave movie, that movie will be interesting only for 2-3 times after that we will be bored with that movie, life is not a thing like that!.!.!.!.!.!.

To live our life fullest, successful, and peaceful, I think we need lots of things like love, care, hope, adjustment, involvement, sacrifice, satisfaction, and many more things!.!.!.

Have a great day :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com