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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why we humans dont love each other?

Question: Why we humans dont love each other!?
We know that we are created by One God!.
But we are always fighting with eachother!
Discrimnating each other!
How to create love in this world!
We will all die one day so we should be attached to eachother and kill this hatred feeling!
We all eat and we all have red blood!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
well first of all not everyone even believes in god and not everyone believes in the same god!. There is evil in this world and until everyone can get along and do good, our world will always be this way!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I won't even begin with how a nonexistent "God" has nothing to do with anything, muchless a lack of compassion for our neighbor!. At any rate, we're unloving, because the vast majority of our species is exceptionally selfish and entirely too self absorbed!. Whether or not that's a "bad" thing or not is another question entirely, however it's a large part of why we don't love each other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

See, the one God thing!.!.!.!.!.!.!. That causes a lot of misunderstanding and hate!. If we could all lay down our faith for a time and see one another as a community, we might have a chance to stop killing one another!. Nationalism is a huge problem too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because of a few bad eggs!. Humans are creatures that can get along with each other well, but because of a few bad people ruining it for us, we have no choice but to not trust people upon first meeting them!. To do otherwise could be dangerous to us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

coz we feel blessed when we utilize our grey matter for everything else other than putting efforts to making our human bonds special !.!.
coz v nvr feel the reason y we are here !.!. explore dat !.!. and understand dat our purpose here is not to prove our superiority !.!. but dat we care coz we r hereWww@QuestionHome@Com

You really don't seem to be very educated!.!.!. Yes, we were created by one God!. But even God says that there will always be fighting and war!. Hate comes from sin!. Sin comes from the devil!. You need to either be on one side or the other!. Make up your mind!. Either a tree hugger, or a believer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because we are all different and hate is what makes love possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because we are not smart enough!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

this si funny because I just asked a question contradicting your question I asked how come humans Love and care so much about each other!? Funny isn't it!. The real question is why do you look at the negative aspects of humanity and people!? I see plenty of good people everyday but we tend to shy away from them and instead give all of our attention to the bad people and bad things in this world!.!.!. ironic!?Www@QuestionHome@Com