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Question: The Secrets of Self-Improvement!?
The Secrets of Self-Improvement!? - Pros and non-pros share your knowlege (The most Interesting!!!!)!?
I kinda feel lack of something!. So wanted to learn how to achieve these:

1!. Genius
2!. Tough
3!. Can't Be Fooled
4!. Tricky
5!. Self Esteem
6!. Creative
6!. Self-confidence

Stronger Spirits

Quick Thinking

I really want to improve my self!.
Cuz i look like a 15 year old but in fact i'm 19!. Though sometimes i act like 15 and i really hate that!. I Think I'm lack of experience about life!.

From: France, Jason Marjhal!.

Added: 2/3/07Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
From the mouth of a Mensa member:

You cannot make yourself a genius, but you can improve your IQ!. There are tons of books out there that are IQ trainers!. These can help!. also, you must forget all the crap that the ignorant masses tell you to think!. You must start looking further!.

If a porpoise were to interpret the data from a machine built by humans!.!.!.!. Can you even conceive of the concept of "human-biases"!. My phrase, so DON'T try to steal it!. I coined it in Anthropology class at university!.

As to responsibility: You are accountable for EVERYTHING that you say and do!. Period!.

Creativity is VERY hard to develop!. Logical thought you can learn!. Creativity, you must open your mind to the possibilities beyond those perceived by those same ignorant masses!.

There is a picture-frame!. Your society builds that frame and you are expected to construct your life within that frame!. Each time you place pieces outside of it, you are venturing either into genius or madness!. True madness is when your life is outside of that frame!. Then again, true genius is when much of your life is outside that frame, too!. Brilliance is when only a bit of your life is outside of that frame!.

I'm 40 and have the social finesse of a 13 year old!. The price you pay for genius!. I don't understand "them" and "they" don't understand me!. I refuse to waste my time and energy with their silly, meaningless social games!. Think about it!.

EDIT: Yeah!. All you "normal" people just keep giving a thumbs-down!. Just show that you haven't any idea how to think for yourselves and that you haven't any idea what it's like to have an IQ over 140 in today's crappy, idiot-oriented society!. I only get one life, so far as I know!. I'm not wasting it doing what "normal" people think I should, and especially not on stupid social games!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you really want to improve your selfs teem, it is time to look inside listen to your self honestly, you know what makes you feel better, you know how to change thing that you dont like !.!. you know what do you have to do to be the REAL you that you know you are!.!.!. Be honest grab your guts and withouts permission start working on what you really have to do to bring your real you out!.!. Close your mind to the world for a bit just let your mind and your self to guide you,!.!.!. everybody will be too bussy with their lifes !.!.!.so you be bussy with yours!.!. when you become more yourself and happier with what you do!. you wont even remember that you were feeling low !. Practice , concentration !.!.!.!. and willingness to be happier no matter what!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is so much you can do:

NLP ( http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Neuro-lingu!.!.!. ) will help with all!. It is the tool of success!.
It is the tool that made Paul McKenna a success and most sports people!. It is used in business in so many ways!.

http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Tony_Buzan - his stuff and http://www!.accelerated-learning-online!.c!.!.!. will help with the learning

Why do these work!? Because they are based on studies into how the brain works and applies that to learning!. And despite many protestations ALL skills are learnable!.

Using these you WILL gain all your goalsWww@QuestionHome@Com

"Essence of Aikido," Morihei Ueshiba!.
"Creation: Artistic and Spiritual," O!. M!. Aivanhov!.
"Mindset," Carol Dweck, Ph!.D!.
"The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet!.
"You Can Read Anybody," David Lieberman!.
"The Great Divorce," C!. S!. Lewis!.
"Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton!.
"Expecting Adam," Martha Beck, Ph!.D!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

before achieveing all of that you have listed, first you have to know who you are and what makes you happy!? what makes you cry!? what you love the most!? where you are from!? think of what makes up jason!.!. your fears!? your happiness!?
you can only achieve true happiness or confidence if you know who you are inside and out!.!. be aware of your sensitivity and your sexuality, your religion, faith, your philosophies in life, what you believe in!.
it's easy to say that i am this i am that but when you look at the mirror you dont know who your looking at!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok, first of all by what you said about looking or acting like you are 15 it gives me the impression that maybe you are being uptight!.!.!. if you are, DONT BE!!! you gotta know how to have fun and laugh at life and yourself!.!.!. it helps you really get to know yourself!.

i would say first off create a self image for yourself, imagine a person who has all those qualities you want!. imagine how they live day to day and what choices they make!. imagine their charector!. now always keep that image in your head and try to always make choices and decisions that that person would make!. think of the word "integrity" that is being honest with yourself!. try to never comprimise your integrity!.

next take time to find your "picture of life"!. meaning to create an image in your head of what you want your life to be!. now take the steps necessary to obtain all the things in that picture!.

it is hard and it takes a lot of sacrifice!. but just work on a few things at a time!. and always remember to have fun so you don't become an emotionless robot only trying to complete goals!. its hard to put all of yourself into something if it isnt fun!. and this might be over stated, but never get mad at yourself when you "fail" or come up short!.

and again HAVE FUN MAN!!! when you can smile and relax into your surroundings its a sign that you are on a good path forr yourself!. thats what i think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You cure everything by starting with YOU!.
Try imagining your mind as a garden filled with weeds choking out the food you need to survive!.

Before humans developed vocal cords & verbal communication, energy used to flow AROUND the brain & we were able to communicate with all because energy vibrates from the body to touch anyone or anything we direct it at!.
Words can clutter & confuse issues & generate negative energy unnecessarily, (until we cut the flow (of words) & take control of what we allow grow there!.
Make a project of yourself & write
down traits you would like others to know you as!. Look up the words in Dictionary!?thesaurus for as many aspects of the words, to help you decide what you need to do to make these traits a part of who you are!.
Now slowly practice to make them good habits in your life!.
Youve spent a life time practicing
who you are today!. (Mostly practicing garbage others have dumped on you) Now is the time to choose for yourself!. This will cut your confusions & you will soon know that while none of us are perfect, you, because you are working at life constructively will have no alternative but to feel pride & respect for yourself & others will respond accordingly!.
They have believed what you emanate to them up to now!.
I hope I have given you a start!.
Try Louise Hays Books from the library!.
Anything you work at (practice) you become good at!. This includes, nastiness, selfishness,
insecure etc!.
We are always successful at anthing we inject energy into!.

All the best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Learn everything you can- constantly learn things that interest you, so always have your head in a book, keep a book ready at your side when you relax, keep up in your studies! Read something new every day
2!. Train yourself physically, do anything that is physically challenging to YOU specifically- whether it be walking, running, lifting weights, and do it every day
3!. Observe and remember- you need experience to prevent you from being fooled but you CAN learn by others' mistakes
4!. I don't agree with being tricky, but I do agree in becoming a complex person- when people think they know you, you come up with something new that makes them think twice- you will gaine this thru #1- think outside the box, don't conform to what others are doing, be inventive and do things your way- but make sure you are genuine about it, that it is naturally you- don't make it up- instead think deeply about what you are all about and use that to become more of an individual- be a leader, not a follower
5!. If you do 1 thru 4, you will gain this naturally!.
6!. Keep a journal about each new thing you discover about yourself, your thoughts, record what you do each day to become a better person, give to others, and by writing all this down, you can see your progress!.!.!. thru this, you will develope creativity!. Try something new each day!. Write it down

If you accept all circumstances of your actions, you will develop responsibility, thru that, you will gain maturity- by not running from your problems, you will gain a strong spirit- the problem with young immature people is that they never accept the responsibilities that come with their actions!. What you do is like throwing a rock into a still pond- a stone will generate waves that will effect other things, those things will be altered by the waves you create thru your actions- if you respect others and accept all consequences of the waves that you make thru your actions, you will become the person you want to be!. Look up the 12 step program and the serenity pledge that alcoholics and drug addicts use for recovery- sometimes others who are not addicts do use those steps to become a better person- anyone can use the 12 steps to develop habits that will change their lives!. Here is a link to the 12 steps:
serenity prayer: God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference!.

That's a beginningWww@QuestionHome@Com

The only thing you can do is culitavte the mitivationWww@QuestionHome@Com

Turn a negative thought or situation into a positive one !. Have a nice dayWww@QuestionHome@Com