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When the satellite image of earth is seen, the boundaries of countries is not visible!. Isn't this nature's message to us that Boundaries of countries though exist on the land but it shouid not exist in our hearts!? Please share your viewsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
it's true absolutely true!.
For Example, When you are working in a different country,you should never consider your co-workers as someone else!.Think that you all are equal and not one above the other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look even bigger, not as countries divided or united but as one mass water and land, which would be the in comparison of atoms and elements combining to create every thing perfect!. Analyze your idealistic values and see it all the way thru and see the way every thing has a purpose and it's place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

bondaries are what they are to keep unwanted people in their own place!. human instincts do this!. If everyone were nice then I would have no problem/s!. But they arn't! Boundaries are needed cause people don't know how to grow up!. Live!. Be there for others!. Politeness/good goes farther than evil!. Love not Hate! Peace Not War! Share Not be stingy! It is GOD"S message Yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nature has no bounds and limits!. it exists as it is!. it is only the man who has created everything like country, religion, caste, race ,god etc etc!. nature is still!. it conveys only this!. i am the most superior and can do anything!. it is not trying to teach us anything else!. we create and resolve things by ourselves blaming the nature!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When we make contact with intelligent life on other planets, many of our boundaries will diminish, as we will be people of the Earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

jealousy create boundaries!.

my wife love our dog more than me!.
if jealousy came in,
there will be boundaries between my wife, my dog and me!.
lucky me, I've found an eraser to rub away jealousy!.

definitely agreed!.
the boundaries are in our heart cover by anger & greed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com