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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can you feel a change happening in your world?

Question: Can you feel a change happening in your world!?
I thought I was only imagining it but I am convinced now!. Something wonderful is happening!. More and more people are turning to love, its like the combined consciousness of the world is affecting everyone!.

I know for some the first impulse will be to look at what is wrong and loveless but please if you can look past that and try to see love in the people around you and in yourself and what you personally perceive!. I'd love to hear your thoughts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The thing about change is that it is a constantly inconstant thing within this world!.!.!. There will always be individuals who feel "change happening," as it is always happening!.

Truly, the only change that one needs to make, if one feels they need change, is an inward change!. Ghandi said it best when he said, "Be the change you want to see in the world!."

Thus, when we look outward into the physical ("transient") world and see change happening, as you are speaking of, it is a sure sign that we ourselves are changing and are able to see the world in the new light!.

I have heard it said many times before, and personally know it to be true, that Love is all there is!. And, it is when this is personally experienced that one is then able to recognize that no change was ever needed to begin with!. ;-)


Oh I feel changes coming up for the world!. I just don't know whether they'll be good ones or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can feel it!!
i'm in love:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

you know what im wondering!.!.!.
remember the industrial revolution!? well what if we're entering an environmental revolution!? its happened before- the enlightenment period, etc!.
whadya think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com