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Question: Is being an introvert a curse!?
When I see extoverts, I wish I could extract happiness like they do out there with people!. But no matter how much I wanna be like an extrovert, I will always be an introvert!.

If you are introverted but you are having a ball with your life, share me how you do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
as an introvert i have learned that i need to just put myself out there, it is still difficult to do, but better than the alternativeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Being an introvert isn't a curse, its a strategy-- learn how to use that strategy to your advantage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Think positive!. If you are young, being an introvert will allow you to observe the actions and listen to the conversations of others!. This will in turn, allow you to think about and choose quietly the way in which you desire to behave!.
It also gives you the power to observe and ponder, rather than be expected to regurgitate comments and provide an entertainment factor to any given group of individuals!.
Extroverts have a tendency to make others think they always behave this way!. They might be engaging in conversation WHEN THEY CHOOSE TO BE, and at other times, might behave in a rather introverted way themselves!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
I think most people are a combination!. If there is a topic of interest to you being discussed within a group of your own peers, you might just offer your opinion, right!?
That would be a safe environment for you!.!.!.!.!.!.!.some people are more comfortable with friends, some with strangers!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.I think it has a lot to do with self-confidence and basic shyness!.!.!.!.If you are an "introvert" and wish to change that, put yourself into a volunteer position or teaching position with others to improve your self-confidence and get over your shyness!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.worth a try!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i usto be an introvert

i thought long and hard every day of my life and asked myslef why am i like this!.

the reason is your age!. and expeirience in life!. the more you experience life the more you start to understand things!.

one day u will change but assuming that have changed already would be your downfallWww@QuestionHome@Com

Why do you want what other people have when you have your own!?!?

Stop the self-pityWww@QuestionHome@Com

I am very introverted and I will often find myself getting angry when I am unable to make a connection with someone or am missing out on something!. I spend a lot of time reflecting on it, but I have also become much more confident and talkative in the last few years!. I am still known as the quiet one or the shy one and it takes me a really long time to become comfortable around people and make a connection with them!. It does take an effort, but it is important to realize that being yourself is important!. You will be the most comfortable that way and when you are uncomfortable it is incredibly difficult to open up to people and "be the life of the party!." Once people get to know you, they will appreciate your inrovertedness (not sure if that is a word) and will value the interactions they do have with you!.
I have come to love myself as an introvert!. Although I do spend time trying to make valuable connections with people, I also appreciate that I can quietly observe the hectic goings-on around me!. Introverts know themselves very well and that can become a strong basis for future relationships with others!. Just do what makes you happy and don't kick yourself when you miss an opportunity to make a comment or a joke, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's nothing wrong with being introverted!. Most of the happiness you see going on with other people is a false joy meant to hide things that people find uncomfortable within themselves!.

In my experience, I've found that the more extroverted a person is, the more needy, high maintenance, and more of a liability they are in work situations!. They usually lie on their resumes and can't quite grasp the really heady, technical aspects of the jobs they get!. They are not the most responsible people on the planet!. In fact, the more extroverted a person is, the more likely they are to backstab you to compensate for their lack of competence on the job!.

While it's given more praise in this culture than it should be!.!.!.extroversion is far from the greatest character type to exist!. In some respects, I would even go so far as to call it a disability

!.!.!.someone who has more going on outside of themselves than inside!.!.!.

Someone who lacks autonomy, draining others of energy!.

Someone who demands acceptance to validate their existence!.

Appreciate what you have, because being an introvert means you're more likely to develop skills that benefit others and yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com