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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can betrayal be forgiven?

Question: Can betrayal be forgiven!?
Making mistakes is human, but if you do it more than once, the same mistake on repeat, shall it be forgiven!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results!.

In my opinion, and it's just that, forgiveness comes from a place of mutual action and understanding that the violation was a mistake and that perhaps efforts will be made to change the behavior, or that perhaps acceptance of human nature will be made!.

But if you are speaking of someone violating trust or sacred bonds, sharing secrets, doing things on the down low, cheating, etc!. My question then becomes, how many times must you hit your head against the wall before you realize it hurts!.

Of course, you can draw a line and say, "This is not for me!. While it might be your choice, it's not mine!. I wish you well, thank you for the learning!. Buh-bye!."

Nothing wrong in dignity and taking care of self!. Do so with mutual kindness and respect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it can be forgiven, but DEFINETELY not forgotten
it'll be hard to move onWww@QuestionHome@Com

It may be forgiven, but never out of your mind!. Once a cheater, always a cheater!. If you are talking about a boyfriend, dump him and find one that is true blue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Time heals all that is hurt even if it means
to the end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's not about forgiveness!.!.!. if it comes to that point!.!.!. it has something to do with self-preservation!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess that depends on who you ask!. Personally I get tired of repeat excuses after a few months ( Too long if you ask me) but eventually I tell them to buzz off if they won't at least attempt to fix the problem!. I don't know if you call that unforgiving, but I don't really see it as unforgiving!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Although humans are not animals, I think it is fair to state that !.!.!.!.!. " Ya can't change the spots on a leopard!. "

It's not a mater of forgiveness, it is a matter of expectation!.

They will not change!.

The question is: Can you live with that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.!. Well maybe I'm too cruel!.!.!.!. but I'll say NO! I know that if someone betrayed someone, the destiny will revenge him, but I won't stop these lady!Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are human and are expected to make many many mistakes!. Yes betrayal can be forgiven!. Just think of all the sins we as humans comitt!. If our Lord did not forgive us for the sins that we comitt over and over we would never make it to heaven!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If another has betrayed you, and you understand they had reason or it is considered justifiable then it is easy to forgive!. Human frailty being what it is!.

Forgiving a loved and trusted one, only to find them repeatedly erring is unwise as they are unwittingly relaying a message to you!. It requires deep thought and consideration as to why they feel the need to constantly hurt or malign you, deep seated resentment for past injuries incurred is usually the plausible answer!.

Discussing this and opening up to one another of these pent up anger is more likely to cure than sticky plastering over and pretending nothing has happened!.

Greater resounds what remains unspoken between partners than what is actually said!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Forgiveness is a delicate thing!. The purpose of forgiveness is for your benefit, it is not for their benefit!. Unforgiveness is a heavy burden, and by forgiving people, you release a burden from yourself!.
Is it easy to forgive!? No, it is very difficult to forgive, especially depending on the level of pain that was experienced!.
Betrayal (either a cheating spouse, being falsely accused by someone, or many other instances regarding a breach of trust) is one of the hardest instances to forgive!. Because it destroys the trust in the relationship!. If you don't forgive, then you carry that mistrust, not just for that person, but towards other people, expecting another person to act the same way!.
There is a poem about forgiveness:
Talk it out!.
Work it out!.
Gossip never!.
Friends forever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not all betrayals are mistakes, nor are all mistakes betrayals!. A couple of things come to mind!. Jesus said "your sin is forgiven, go and sin no more!." The second part is important too!

The other is "Fool me once, shame on you!. Fool me twice, shame on me!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Forgiven by whom!?
This question will be answered in many ways because many people have different opinions!.

Only you know when you forgive and how many times you can continue to forgive!.

Sometimes it is wise to forgive and other times it is ok to forgive but not let put yourself in a postition to be hurt again!.

Forgiveness doen't mean you forget or that the person understands what they do and feel badly about it Sometimes it isn't wise to move on and just let go of whatever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One betrayal you can forgive but not forget!.
The second betrayal you will never forgive and never forget!.
If this happens to you three times, you probably need to see a psychiatrist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its ok because you are suposed to forgive and forget!. sometimes its hard but when you do it's a blessing on the person's life you may change thier lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on the depth of the betrayal, the reason behind it and how often it's repeated!. An abusive spouse who repeatedly hits his or her partner to keep them submissive then returns with apologies and gifts the next day to seem like the loving person should not be forgiven!. A child who makes the same mistake a few times just needs direction and is likely to make that mistake due to the child mentality!. There are people in my life that I will not ever forgive, despite my religion and what it says about forgiveness because their betrayal was made in malice and their intent was to cause me harm!. There are people who have betrayed me and earned my forgiveness because I understand that the mistake was just a human mistake that I might make!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Forgiveness, the excusing of fault, blame or punishment, can only come after repentance, i!.e!. the person changes their mind!.!.!.!.

If we forgive before they confess and repent, then we are setting ourselves up for the next time!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

betrayal can be forgiven!.!. but there will always be a price to pay!. To both the betrayer and forgiver!.

the forgiver!. To be able to find it within yourself to forgive someones mistakes i!.e cheating, should be considered an enormous act of generosity and goodwill!. But you have to live with the fact that they selfishly disregarded your feelings in their decision to betray you!. which brings on a little doubtful voice in you mind that reminds you daily that you cant trust them!. you have to be on guard, for there is always a chance of a recurrence which results in deeper scars!.

The betrayer!. to be forgiven for your betrayal places a huge weight on your shoulders!. To know that you have hurt someone and lost their trust and respect is a lot to accept!. To know that things can never be the same because of your actions!. all of this can have a negative or positive affect!. It could prevent a recurrence, but it could numb your emotions due to all the strain and loss of self respect which is a good formula to betray again!.
to forgive AND forget is a very very hard thing to do!. Most people will forgive but never forget, while some forget these betrayers and forgive them because they are not part of their life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Men forget but never forgive; women forgive but never forget!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

depends how big the mistake was, I don't think all wrongs can be righted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Any sin can be forgiven, if it is properly repented!.
Jesus Christ had said, "your sin is forgiven!. Go, and sin no more!."
In other words, you can't just keep going on doing the same sinful thing and expecting God to forgive you!. You have to face up to your sinful behavior and repent!.
And, as Jesus Christ said, "sin no more!."
However, not many Christians actually know exactly what sin IS!. To a Jew, a sin is anything that breaks the laws that Moses gave!. To a Muslim, a sin is anything that breaks the laws the the Prophet Mohammed gave!. But Christians have kind of a very loose and unschooled idea of what sin is and is not!.!.!.what it might be!.!.!.
So before you go suffering with guilt, study some scripture and figure out for yourself whether what you are doing is sinful! Or perhaps you just think it is because you don't know any better!Www@QuestionHome@Com