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freinds i have visited one day golden temple and i am hindu,what i see there that a beggar,washer man,person with leprasy,poor,rich,sikhs of high status all are taking lunch together,and i started crying after watching that love and brother hood inside me!.
GURUNANAK the FOUNDER OF SIKHISM remove evils of caste system from society and his followers take no difference between rich and poor,high caste and lower caste,I FIND SIKHISM AS ONLY RELIGION WHICH PROMOTE TRUE BROTHER HOOD!.

1!. christanity
there is racisam between black and whites,christain missonaries has killed millions of innocent humans in order to convert them into christanity,black people are exploited by whites and there is racisam!.

in 2003 thousands of black muslims are murdered by higher caste muslims,in islam there is racisam,saddam husain murdered 4000 kurds tribe people!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Why r u considering Saddam or any 1or 2 men in ur list!?Why r u saying that there is racism in Islam or Christianity or any other religion for that matter!?If we practice ur religion in the way it asks us to,we promote the spirit of brotherhood!.No religion teaches to be violent,it's we who bring bad name to our respective religion!.It was a time in India when Sikhs where seen as terrorists in periods before and after Indira Gandhi assassination!.They had u undergo through bad times only because of a handful of people!? In Gujarat thousands of Muslims were killed!.Many Christans were killed why-only b'coz they were propagating their religion!?Doesn't our Constitution gives every citizen the right to practice or propagate their religion!?Isn't it wrong that the party(in Gujarat) which was responsible for killing thousands of people from both sides,came to power!?I think we(i'm not saying this to u but also to myself and the Indian youth) should stop thinking who's better than whom and work towards to spread brotherhood in our country (and wherever we go) !.The last thing u said was that followers should be nice too!.Okay,i wanna tell u that Sikhs(i'm saying about people who bring bad name) too were not that good(if u look in history; in the same way u r looking in the history of other religions) !.But,if ur saying about the caste system in Hinduism,i'm sorry,but it's there!.The Vedas have caste system described in them and u too seem annoyed of that!.What we need is -to change!.We only can make our respective religion better!.
Hope this helps u!.Thnx
----------I may have used harsh words,i'm sorry if i have hurt anyone ,but,this IS the truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do not think any religion is absolutely good, though the original teachings had universal effect, but over period of time, they got in built in biases!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

GOD is one,
different religion worship HIM only, whatever face HE may be!.

today we fight cOz of religion indifferences but my dear friend promote peace rather than differentiating which causes hatred

the communities worldover are facing this trouble and hence the fighting, poverty, racism etc are prevalent in most of the developed world countries not to mention the underdeveloped world

those who are well educated promote these indifferences to make theri way easier for creation of wealth instead of caring the people!.

promote PEACE!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only you can choose !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is nothing like a best religion, all religions teach love of godhead, the problem arises when it is not interpreted in its pure message, when people misuse the tenets of gods teachings to facilitate their own poor understanding, all paths lead to the same destination - the only difference is that some may be longer and more ardous routes than the others - the ultimate choice is ours, as to whether we want to speedily reach our destination or take various detours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A profound teaching of Guru Nanak:
"You will need a Godman!."
Whether Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad, and Krishna, this quote unifies a wisdom-perspective!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no one's perfect!.!.!.

if your school's regulation is to wear proper uniform, and then you did not wear it!.!.!.who is to be blamed!? the school or you!?

it's just like that!.!.!.we see terrorists, criminals, and bad persons who are Christians!. But whose fault it is, christianity or the persons who do it!? It is not Christianity's fault why others become so violent!. It is the people's fault why they turned themselves like that!. Their faith and love for God is less than their love for power, money, and pride!. The priests, bishops, cardinals, and pope did not lack of teaching, preaching, and spreading the Good News!. They just did not absorb it!.!.!.

I hope you get my point!. Well, it's just not my point, but it is really the point!. When we see a rotten fruit in a basket, it doesn't mean that everything's rotten!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I didn't even read that crap you wrote!.
You ought to go with what YOU like best!. Why in the hell would you ask other people what religion YOU should follow!?
Read "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel!.
It may help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All religions are the same , you have to find what makes you feel good and keeps you happy in life!.
My religion is life and the fact that it is my only shot , so i am happy with whatever i do !.

its not the religion who murders people and causes harm , its just the PEOPLE mate ! all religions seek peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are right my dear!.Every one is entitled to his or her opinion because we are all different and of different intelligence!.
Your observation is good!.
However, i think non of us knows the righteous way of doing things because we are all humans!.We are all trying!.That is why you are able to name those religions!.
Personally i believe in the truth, not religion!.There are people who do not belong to a specific religion but are very kind and happy(trouble free)!.
In every society there are good and bad people!.And in a society where unruly people outweigh the good ones,becomes a bad society(one frog spoils the water)!.so i can not judge which religion is the best for A human being is the most complicated/difficult animal to deal with!.

First of all, your information on "black" and "white" Christianity and the race-relations is about a 1/2 century out-of-date!.

I'm against all religions for me!. I have this insane idea that I don't need them in order to give my life meaning or purpose!.

As to what gives anyone else's life meaning or purpose, I say -

Teach everyone about a wide variety of religions and let them choose for themselves! I'm totally against the German practice of Catholic or Evangelical instruction in the schools!. My children are all in Ethics classes, except the youngest, because her dad still thinks that someday he will stop being lazy and have her baptized in the Catholic church!.

You forgot Judaism!. Is that no longer a major world religion!? I think there is still this thing called Buddhism as well!. They have a lot of followers!.

As to your comment on Christianity!. You are IGNORANT!. In the USA, there are hundreds of ALL BLACK churches!. Are the white Christians killing them!? Are they forbidding them to attend their churches!? Trying to make them sit in the back pews!?!?

Did you know that there are a lot of "blacks" in the USA who discriminate against "whites"!? We are very often NOT welcome in "their" communities!.

Please inform yourself before you add fuel to the race-hate of the world!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Deism, recognize God but don't let that separate you from your fellow manWww@QuestionHome@Com