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Position:Home>Philosophy> It has been said quite a few times, but is Atheism the default belief system at

Question: It has been said quite a few times, but is Atheism the default belief system at birth!?
I have been thinking about the quote of Richard Dawkins, we are all born Atheists, or something similar, but I don't think it is, as it requires a person to take a stand point on a subject they know nothing about!. it is true that at birth we don't believe in god, but we also don't not believe in god as their is no knowledge of god at birth!. Isn't the actual default position at birth going to be more of an agnostic stance rather than atheistic, or theistic stance!?
As always i ask this with Metta
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Thank-you for answering!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
An agnostic belives in neither/undecided but considering a baby does not know of either!.!.!.!.they can't be agnostic

but it is technically correct!.!.!.!.because as soon as a baby knows of god they are unsure!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Atheism is an ideology!. Newborn does not possess ideology!. Ideology follows in the course of life!. Calling atheism the default ideology of the newborns is similar to calling all babies jobless and unmarried at birth! It is nonsense!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah, atheist=normal/natural state of being!. We are all born with no beliefs in god, some people stay that way, some don't, and some revert back to that natural state of being!.

whatever ideologies you apply to living your life after that is up to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are all born without any realisation what so ever of our own human potential either, in this sense are we then born as non-humans!?

I think we have innate capacity that we cannot fulfil but with faithful beliefs!. It is possible for many people to believe in themselves, in their nations, in their missions and in other people!. I think if we say we believe in God then we bring all these beliefs together at one place and follow from there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dawkins (please tell him) is one of most GENIAL ARROGANT STUPID person on earth today!.

it's quite evident that every newBorn baby has immediately a GODDESS (mother) and some times later a GOD (father)

that's what happened indeed to a primeval society:
first, a GODDES (of fertility, of abundance)
later one or more GODS (of war, commerce, love!.!.!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that we are all born as biologically complex organisms that have a natural will to survive!. Because of the evolutionary nature of us we are, at birth, genetically and genealogically gifted with goals and processes that allow us to work towards those goals on an adaptive, concurrent, and predictive manner!.

Hence we are neither, blank slate nor ghost in the machine!.

At birth we are cognitively aware of our experiences in the womb!. the sounds, tastes, stress level, and in ever other way in which our genes have been turned on or off by environment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that your question is a good one!. I think in order to answer this question you would have to answer from a theistic point of view as well as an atheist point of view, since assumptions have to be made from both sides in order to come up with a legitimate answer!.

Beliefs are expressed through actions and words!. A babies belief in atheism would entail prior knowledge, meaning a baby would have to be able to know what God is in order to believe that there isn't one!. The theory of an atheist relies on proof (Prove that there IS a God!), because there is no proof that babies know of the concept of God at birth, one can't conclude that a baby could be an atheist!.

From a theistic point of view one would first have to assume that babies are born without beliefs, because their voices (meaning words) are nonexistent!. However, God states that he knew "us" meaning babies from before we were in the womb!. This means that before we were humanly "conscious" there was a relationship between us and our creator!.

Personally i believe that i knew and believed in God from before i was even conceived!. I'm not too sure about your suggestion that we might all be born as agnostics, because even for that belief to take hold one would have to have prior knowledge of the concept of God!.

Of course all of this is summed up by assumptions, because there is no way to know the mind of an infant!. For all we know babies could be born with all of the knowledge of the universe, maybe even be God's consciousness themselves and then forget it seconds after exiting the womb!.

Great question, its a thinkerWww@QuestionHome@Com

If anything, i would say that babies initially believe they are God and the entire Universe, so no, i wouldn't agree with that at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Being an atheist simply means that one does not believe in God!. It shouldn't imply any thing else!. This means that yes, if someone is unaware of the concept of God they are also atheists!.

This is why many choose to specify their beliefs to suggest that they came about them through a thought process!. Secular humanism is the most common I've seen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are born without sin, into a world of sin!.You will be exposed to sin and to Atheists!. You will become what you are taught!. You are not born with any connection, not even a bond between you and your mother!. The love you two share, will come from positive reinforcement to each other!. Beliefs are defined in the word itself!. Its what you learn to believe and the influences that create these beliefs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Atheism is not an ideology!. The point made by Dawkins refers to better explaining what atheism is!. Theists tend to think atheism carries with it some sort of ideology or dogma!. It doesn't!. It is simply a lack of belief!. A newborn can't be neutral on a subject as that requires understanding both sides!. To simply not have a belief in something does not require knowledge of it!.

This is so simple even a baby should be able to understand it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

must any vessel contain substance at the moment of it's creation!? does the gnat know of his place in the universe!? do we seek knowledge or only move towards a oneness with the universe!?

i don't understand why you would ask a theistic (or non theistic) question of an empty vessel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You did have a god at birth on whom you depended for all sustenance, guidance and comfort!. She was your mother and to replace her with another concept of god is the default position of humans!. Atheism (the belief in no god) like solipsism (the belief in no other) is, in my opinion, an untenable philosophy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

An atheist stance has meaning only in relation to knowledge of theism and you are right I think!. Of course it seems that newborns don't have such a stance!. To be an adult human capable of taking care of oneself is to negotiate just such duality as 'atheist' 'theist'!. It just comes with the territory!. The utterly undifferentiated is not something we live in if we are choosing either this or that in order to get by!. I think you are right too that a newborn would be somewhat closer somehow to agnostic, but even that will have it's opposite as in "having knowledge"!. (I'm OK with the term atheist if 'not knowing' is what is meant) Newborns are so close to the undifferentiated that this might be a moot point!. Still I am not satisfied with that!.

The thing I get from Dawkins is that he points to a trend concerning consciousness that seems to progress from pure being / awareness to too much knowledge / sophistication then possibly back to pure being / awareness and finally the undifferentiated again!. Consciousness is all that we are even with an infant's body and as an old person -body and mind!. Perhaps the newborn has come to consciousness in a less complicated or sophisticated form!. Huang Po, Chan master, liked to speak of the 'unborn' as the condition to recognise as our true state of being!. Infants are certainly close to that!. Everything after coming to consciousness is the overlay of mind and body necessary for Huang Po's unborn to manifest somehow - to know itself!.

Lots of words here!. Wish I had it simpler than this somehow!.
Thanks, really good question for this section!

Oh yeah, just to nitpick a little, babies don't believe or have a stance!. Not at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com