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Position:Home>Philosophy> Ethics tries to study morality, but that morality is not always subject to study

Question: Ethics tries to study morality, but that morality is not always subject to study !? why does that happen!?
kindly give a detailed answerWww@QuestionHome@Com

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Ethics is the study of moralities by one definition!.No morality can answer all moral Q's and provide a good moral solution for all cases!. That said moralities overlap and they can be combined to develop better answers to moral Questions!. Moral (rules, values and concepts) cannot be studied like scientific facts are studied!. The study of ethics is largely nonempirical although people like to compare and contrast moralities by quantitative means as in Utilitarianism!. Personally I am more "Virtue Theory" oriented guided by reason like "ethical rationalists" like Aristotle, Plato and Kant to name a few!. Some people believe they can derive ethical theories(ie moralities or moral systems) from nature and believe in "Natural Rights derived from Nature's Laws!. This is called ethical naturalism!. GE Moore argued that such a derivation of the "oughts" from the "is's" is a logical fallacy(google "naturalistic fallacy" and the "ought-is issue!." Monotheistic Religions develop moralities based on the authority and the commands of a supreme God or their chosen "human representatives!." Already I have mentioned 3 kinds of moral theories based on Reason, Nature & God!. There are more kinds!

One can always study anything one puts mental effort into if only to understand the diversity ,limitations and pluses of different moral ideas!. Get a good used book on "the History of Ethics!." I recommend " A Short History of Ethics: A history of moral philosophy from the Homeric age to the 20th century" by Alasdair MacIntyre!." 1966Www@QuestionHome@Com

because often morality is merely individual perception
meaning that!.!.!.!.!.!.!.what may be moral to one person isn't necessarily the same!.!.!.!.!.!.for othersWww@QuestionHome@Com

When is morality not subject to study!? Do you mean in the sense that moralists claim to have absolute authority and only they can define what is "moral"!? Or that some monarch forbade someone from inquiry!?

In free cultures, scholars get to examine whatever they like--including any and all moral codes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was about to write a detailed answer, then suddenly got a hunch that this might be a homework question, so I'll refrain!.

However, I will say that ethics doesn't study anything -- ethics simply ARE!. The only conjoining verb I can think of that would apply is "inform!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ethics gives some sort of pleasure!.
Morality , may hurt the Heart and it is hard to keep!.The world
is not bothering about the moral !.Www@QuestionHome@Com