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Question: Very tough decision and i need help!?
Okay so I didn't get in to this philharmonic orchestra I prepared for (foolishly without the consent or help from my teacher!.!.don't ask) and so I joined the group below it!. However I feel it is way too easy and I feel like I'm wasting $600 on it (this is tuition money)!. I already handed in the $230 deposit and I doubt it's refundable!. Should I just stay and hopefully I can milk some experience and musical proficiency from this orchestra!? Should I see first if I can get my refund and quit!? Someone help me out with a detailed plan please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would stay in it!. It'll keep you in practice and you'll invariably become one of the 'stars' of this group!. Help mentor the others in the group!. No doubt whoever is in charge of this one has pull with the director of the orchestra you wanted in to!. Do a good job here and it's only a matter of time before you're in the higher group!. Quit, and someone's sure to notice your lack of musical dedication!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't quit!.
You've already started, so just stick with it!.
Besides if you like making music enough you won't quit!.
I'm sure there is something for your to learn, even if it's just sticking with your choices!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First see if you can get the refund!. If you can, quit and do something more challenging!. If you can't you can decide to stay or leave, it's up to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The best thing for you to do is stick with it!. It may not be what you want, but if you rise to the top, you will have an exellent recomendation for future prospects, plus the experience!. Many great actors and musical artist started in small productions then rised to the top as expected!.

Don't make the mistake of being "better than everyone" attitude!. Be humble, yet awesome, and help those around you!. You may find this is more valuable than you thought!. It will help you tune your skills, plus find your level of leadership if you really are great!. Be great and be kind and humble, and greatness will follow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com