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Question: Calling all guitar maestros!!?
Any tips for playing high tempo!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Get a metronome, start at a low bpm, then when you can do it right, increase your speed a bit!.

This is the only practical, non-magic bullet, way to improve your mechanical speed!. Other than that, you need to learn picking techniques- economy picking, alternate picking, etc!. That increases your efficiency!.


You need to choose your high tempo rhythm or melody and start to play it as slow as you don't miss any note!. after you played it wright, start your practice and try to make it faster each time!. Finally, be patient, It might take even more than a week if it is your first high tempo playing!. But next time it will be shorter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with Sol!.!.!. set your metronome (you DO have a metronome, right!?) to a slow speed and then practice and practice and practice the same piece and increase the speed on the metronome each time!.!.!. there is no other way for speed than being familiar with the notes, build the muscle memory to play them and then practice until you can play them faster and faster!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pick as fast as you can :)Www@QuestionHome@Com