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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Major characteristics of imressionism. Refer to artistic style(?) & historic con

Question: Major characteristics of imressionism!. Refer to artistic style(!?) & historic context from where it emerged!.!?
also i dont know what artistic style is referring toWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Impressionism started in Paris in the 1860's - main contributors to this style of art are: Henri de toulouse leutrec, Edgar degas, Eduardo Manet and Claude Monet -

They originated in Paris and wanted to capture the parisian life style through ways of seeing the busy night life and cafe culture!. Paris at the time was the Cultural Capital of the world with its boosting life style, Artists innitially ditched there easels and studios and went out into 'live' areas to paint and sketch, they would then take there findings back to there studios to finish capturing the light and fluidity of movement that came with the busy Parisian Lifestyle!Www@QuestionHome@Com