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Position:Home>Performing Arts> First time as background music (piano) player-Tips please!?

Question: First time as background music (piano) player-Tips please!!?
So I'm going to be playing for a language arts lounge or what not at a school campus!.
I'll be playing background music for an hour and I have all my books ready and all!.

Do you have any tips for me you who have done this before!? Is there anything I should bring extra, or how should I go about the whole thing!? I know the main thing is to play nice haha obviously but I just don't want to forget something important just because it's my first time!.!.!.
help! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Keep the music simple and keep it moving and keep it interesting!. I have my doubts as to just how good the tips will be at a language arts lounge!.!.!. but who knows!.

OH, since it's LANGUAGE arts!.!.!. then play music selections from various countries and in various languages!.!.!.

Just don't expect a lot of tips or even for people to be polite enough to stop their conversations to listen to you!.!.!. Playing in a lounge is playing to a tough audienceWww@QuestionHome@Com