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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Whats the difference between Duncan Design guitar pickups and Seymour Duncan gui

Question: Whats the difference between Duncan Design guitar pickups and Seymour Duncan guitar pickups!?
Or is there even a difference!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Seymour Duncan pickups are actually manufactured by the Seymour Duncan company here in the USA!.

The Duncan Designed pickups are manufactured by an aftermarket company, usually in either Japan, or Korea, to the specifications of the Seymour Duncan company!.

The aftermarket pickups will sound similar, but both the overall quality and price will be lower!.

I highly recommend the "Pearly Gates" Duncans!.!.!.they are a very versitile pickup, for anything from Blues to Metal music!.

I have a Pearly Gates in the bridge position and a SH-1 '59 in the neck position on my Les Paul Gold Top and it gives me every tone combination that I could ever need!.

Keep on rockin!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Duncan Designed are the generic cheapo pups that they put in new guitars!. I've never used them, but I've heard of people wanting to upgrade them into something else!. I'm assuming that they aren't as overwound and don't sound as good - perhaps cheaper construction/cheaper materials!.

I like SD - I've been using a JB humbucker in the bridge of my ESP LTD EC-50 and it sounds very good indeed!. The JB seems (from popular opinion and my own experience) to give a very good "all-around" sound - I can't seem to get a truly awesome deathy/thrashy metal tone out of them, so I'd say the JB's are great for anything but extreme metal!.

I've heard a lot of good stuff about the Pearly Gates as well - especially in the neck position!. In fact, I've talked to a few people who do JB bridge/Pearl Gates neck!.


Buy the Seymour Duncan originals and not the clones!. They have a lot of guts and have a super lean crispy sound!. Even with a distortion pedal, they have a clean sustain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com