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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I'm 19 and i want to learn to play the keyboard. i dont play anything else.

Question: I'm 19 and i want to learn to play the keyboard!. i dont play anything else!. How long could it take me to learn
I would prefer to learn on my own because following a teachers curriculum could tkae years and i just want to jump in and get startd!. i dont expect to become a musica genius, but i would like to be good enought to be able to make my own music and learn to play other people's music!.
Is it possible for me to get good at the age i am right now!?
I know a lot of other people start when they're little kids!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Get yourself a keyboard, doesn't really matter what kind you start out on!. also listen to the guy who posted before this one!. Don't get you one of those preschool toy pianos that are ten bucks in the toy aisle!. Those are basically junk if you seriously want to learn piano!. As you get better with time, you will start developing a taste for sound!. And as you develop that taste, different keyboards and pianos will sound different to you, and you will choose one that fits your liking!.

Start out by learning which keys are which on the keyboard (Link 1)!. Once you have them memorized!. Start playing around with different combinations of the notes!. Like CEG played all together is a chord!. When you start playing around with different notes, keep an ear out for what sounds good and what doesn't!. Link 2 is some example of some very basic chords!.

Once you get the hang of some chords, put on some music that you like, and start to play the melody along with it!. Eventually with lots of practice, you will be able to listen and play along with most anything you listen to by listening!.

also, with plenty of time and practice you will start putting together melodies of your own!. What I have described to you is exactly how I got my start!. And now I am a pretty self sufficiant piano player!. Link 3 is just somthing I threw together one evening off the top of my head!.

Keep at it, practice, and most of all enjoy what you do!. Eventually you will be able to write and compose your own stuff!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is never too late to learn how to do someting you think you might be interested in!. I am 14 and I just recently learned how to play the guitar!. (The guitar and the keyboard are A LOT alike!.) Using what I learned on the guitar, I tought myself how to play the keyboard!. It took me about half a year to learn the basics of guitar(and keyboarding!.) It might take you a little longer, because I had some knnowlege of how to play!. I suggest looking up notes and scales online first, then chords, and you're pretty much good to go on the basics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a play guitar so ill go by that, If you teach yourself and you put a good 2 hours a day into it you can be pretty good in a few months that was my case 100% self taught off the internet, if you have a teacher you can be pretty good in about a months i teach guitar and alot of my students get the basics nailed in that time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you want to learn to rite music and read other peoples music u need to no how to read music and personaly i dont think there is a time where you stop learning an instrument u always need to practice so u can improve and there is always room for improvment!. and u have to be pretty good at the instrument to rite music!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here is what you need to do!. First, after you actually have a keyboard in front of you, you MUST learn the notes and where they are!. Get a book or chart to help you!. There are only seven so this should not be difficult!. Memorize where they are!. Next, learn the simplest chords and how to play them C,D, and E!. This will take you a bit longer!. After that you can play very simple one or two chord songs!. However, there are a great many chords that you should eventually learn (you will need to in order to play other songs)!. Get yourself some lead sheets and Fake books for keyboard!. Go to the music store and ask, they will know what you are talking about!. Fake books are full of simplified music that most keyboardists use (although some use more complex arrangements)!. It also helps to have an ear for music and a natural feel for the beat!. Play what you enjoy!. also, a couple of posters here told you they played guitar, and that is all well and good but playing that instrument is TOTALLY different than playing the keyboard; they are NOTHING alike really!. Remember to get music SPECIFICALLY for the keyboard!. Guitar chords and piano (or keyboard chords) are not even in the same ballpark!. Concentrate on keyboard if that is what you want to learn!. also, get a REAL keyboard, not one of those toy jobs you see in discount stores!. Yamaha is best, although there are others!. A beginner keyboard should run you around $250-$300!. Again, the toy jobs are just that - toys! Learn on something decent!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com