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Question: Tuning a guitar!?
Can anybody please help me in learning how to tune a guitar!.
i mean, its really confusing me, and i really want to learn how to play the guitar!.
so can anybody give me easy step by step instructions on tuning a guitar, bc i just dont understand how!. please dont send links to like You Tube or anything!. Can you just tell me please!.
Thank you, I'd really appreciate it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hey, i was the same way when i started out!.!.!.!.

Your top string must be tuned to a keyboard or somthing!.
Has to be tuned to E!.

To do the rest you take the first string up to the 5th fret and pick the first string and the second!. Make sure they sound exactly the same, use the tuning pegs to tune the second string!.

Do the same until you get to the 4th string!. The 4th string you take your finger back to the 4th fret, then the 5th string is back to the 5th fret!.

Hope this helps, I explained it best i could!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all, tuning requires you to have a very good ear!. You need to be able to distinguish when something is out of tune!. Secondly, you need something that will help you find the right tune!. Usually, the best method is a tuner!. It is easy to buy a tuner, but there are also online ones!. (I'll post a link of one at the end!.) The tuner allows you to hear the pitch that the string should have, and depending on how good your tuner is, it may even come with a function that tells you whether your string is too low or too high!. Then, if you need to make your string higher just tighten the peg; otherwise, if you need to go lower, just loosen the string!. If you have a good ear for pitches you should be able to tell once you hit the right tune, otherwise a tuner with the function that tells you which way to go would be a better option!.

This is an example of a tuner!. It is the one I like to use from the internet!.


1!. buy a tuner
2!. use an online tuner
3!. tune by ear, which will be hard if you've just started
6th string 5th fret plays the open 5th string, 5th string 5th fret plays the open 4th, 4th string 5th fret plays the open 3rd, 3rd string 4TH fret plays the open 2nd, 2nd string 5th fret plays the open 1st!.
hope that helps

just google "online guitar tuner" and you'll get tons, pick the one easiest for you to useWww@QuestionHome@Com

Here you go, Good Luck !!


I know you dont like links, but this link is so easy and you can hear the sound of the string and compare it to your guitar!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Easy!.!.!. BUY a TUNER!.!.!. they cost about $20 and that is a lot less than it will cost to fix your guitar or replace your strings when you have over tightened them and they break!.Www@QuestionHome@Com