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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Im learning guitar and im into metal?

Question: Im learning guitar and im into metal!?
I just want to know if there are any sites or tips that can help me learn this genre such as warm ups or playing techniques
or guitar pro tabs!?

any submission will be greatly appreciated

*note: i respect all people's veiws on metal so what you say that makes fun of my fav music wont phase me!. you'll just get a low rank!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ultimate-guitar!.com is a great place for tabs!. 911tabs will just get you to this site anyway!. It might take you to other sites to, but ultimate-guitar is the best especcially for guitar pro files!. also, look up the pentatonic scale, it is used a lot in rock an metal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sweep picking and two hand tapping are not "death metal" techniques! They came from rock and even the blues, believe it or not!. Just setting things straight!.

Honestly, I just google "sweep picking" and pick almost at random!. Well, in the beginning!. I'm woodshedding still, so i've got my practice regimen, and i'm not surfing for it, but whatever!.!.!.


Go on you tube!.!.!.!.!!! Punch in SymphonyX guitarist!. He has learning lessons and actually plays his tapes and he dubs every note so you can see how de does his runs!.

Just remember that this guy Michael Romero rocks!. You might not be up to par but try it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


It's a meta-search of guitar tab sites!. I've used it for the last few years with great success!. It links to both standard and power tab formats!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


lots of tabs and user created lessons
