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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I want to learn to play the guitar but...?

Question: I want to learn to play the guitar but!.!.!.!?
Everyone I know that has learned to play starts with an acoustic!. Is it possible to just start learning straight away with an electric guitar!? I mean, I know that a guitar is a guitar, and an electric guitar is just a guitar that's, well, electrified!. But is there any drawbacks to going straight to the electric!?

Follow-up question: I haven't researched this at all, so what sort of equipment would I need to start playing an electric guitar!? (amplifier, guitar, etc!.!.!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I started straight away with electric, and I'm doing fine!.
The main drawback of going electric, is that you can't play classical Lmao! In all honesty, Electric has more to offer in terms of styles of play (Blues, Jazz, Metal, Punk, Country & Western etc)

As for you follow-up Q:

Guitar - Anything really (Your first guitar has to be good, but not super fantastic)

Amp - 15 watts or higher, The higher the wattage (is that even a word!?) the clearer the sound will be!.

An electric tuner (For when you can't be arsed to do it properly)

A set of picks (at least 10, they're really cheap, don't worry)

A set of headphones with a jack that fits the amp (You don't want to piss the neighbours off now, do you!?)

A few tutorial DVDs

A few good tutorial books

And maybe a friend who plays electric who can give you pointers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's certainly possible to start right in with electric!. I did, many years ago!. The only drawback is that you have to plunk down some extra money for an amp!. If you're an absolute beginner, though, a small practice amp should suit you just fine, and those can be had for relatively little money!. As for a guitar, I'd advise you not to spend a lot of money on a high end instrument like a Strat or a Les Paul, at least until you know you're going to stick with it!. Epiphone, Squire, and Ibanez all make decent quality, reasonably priced instruments that would be fine to learn the basics on!. Good Luck!


It's possible to start with an electric, I did!.
But I would definitely reccomend acoustic!.

They have sets you can buy from musiciansfriend!.com
that has a guitar, amp, extra strings, picks, and whatnot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i started out with an electric!. it was a year before i got my first acoustic!. i dont think there are really any drawbacks with beginning with an electric!.Www@QuestionHome@Com