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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can I tell if I have Straubinger pads on my flute??

Question: How can I tell if I have Straubinger pads on my flute!?!?
I'm getting my flute's pads replaced and I was looking online and most places charge extra if you have "Straubinger pads" but I don't even know what those are!. How can you tell if you have them!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, you can tell by the HUGE PRICE it cost to have them put on in the first place! These can only be installed by a limited number of specially-trained Straubinger techs!. The key cups must be PERFECTLY leveled, and the pads are not installed like conventional pads!. These are NOT put on most flutes, but only very high-end instruments - so if you are playing a Muramatsu, Powell, Miyazawa, Brannen, or similar high-end make, then it is a possibility!. Chances are, you have conventional white or yellow felt pads!. Another high-end option are Jim Schmidt pads - they are covered in GOLD! Yup - gold!.Www@QuestionHome@Com