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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Nintendo songs for trumpet?

Question: Nintendo songs for trumpet!?
Hi i play the trumpet, and was wondering if anyone has some cool trumpet solo songs for nintendo themes like super mario bros of legend of zelda! Any pieces of music are greatly appreciated, and first one with a complete mario piece gets 10 points for best answer !!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Mario: http://img528!.imageshack!.us/my!.php!?image!.!.!.
Zelda: http://img441!.imageshack!.us/my!.php!?image!.!.!.
Mario 64: http://img249!.imageshack!.us/my!.php!?image!.!.!.
Mario Overworld Theme: http://img49!.imageshack!.us/my!.php!?image=!.!.!.

All these come with video recordings from the link belowWww@QuestionHome@Com