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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Are there any tricks on learning how to play Barre chords on an acoustic guitar?

Question: Are there any tricks on learning how to play Barre chords on an acoustic guitar!?
I know the way your hand and fingers are supposed to be!. I just can't bar with my index AND place my other 3 fingers on the right frets!. I have tried and tried and tried!. I have found another way to play the F major, although its doesn't sound as good!. The B major I have not been able to find an alternative way!. This leads me to skip songs that have a lot of B major chords in it, which is a lot of material to not play!. Just wanted to know if there are any easier ways to play a B major, such as a power chord maybe!? I've only been playing for 3 months, so I'm pretty new to this still!. Any help or general guidance you could throw my way would be appreciated!.
Thanks, and ROCK ON!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
YES! there is a trick to it!.!.!.
you DONT need to hear all of the strings when playing a barr chord, and try playing an E chord without using your forefinger!. THAT way you'll get used to making the E position with your other fingers, THAT way when you barr the fret with your forefinger, your other fingers will simply take position!. A barr chord is just a E chord with your forefinger acting like the nut of the guitar neck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'll just bet you are one of those people who think you can learn to play the guitar for FREE on the Internet and you are finding out you have a poor teacher!.

You need to hire a real teacher before you get in too much deeper!. You already have a bad technique and it won't get any better until you hire a real teacher to help you unlearn all the bad habits you have picked up by teaching yourself for FREE off the internet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are no tricks, just a lot of practice!. Pick up a chord dictionary, and learn how to play full chords!. You mention using only four fingers to play a chord, you're missing one finger!. Learn how to correctly play a full F chord!. The F#/Gb will just be one fret up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

theres on really good way!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.PRACTICE!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Power chord for B major!?!?!.!.!.B5 (power chord) and B major are two different chords!.!.!.there is nothing like power chord for XY chord!. One position of B major comes to mind: x21202
If you want a power chord!.!.!.B5 can be played like this: x244xx!.!.!.!.but it won't be B major chord anymore and might sound not that great!.
But, there are no shortcuts, you just need to practise, that's all!.!.!.!.we all had to get through this!. Oh and, just an advice, you'll do your self a favour if you learn some theory (at least how to read music!.!.!.not stupid tabs, but notes) and get a teacher (supposing you don't have one)!.


This site is great for it!. Good luck:)Www@QuestionHome@Com