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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Is 6 too young for voice lessons?

Question: Is 6 too young for voice lessons!?
My daughter sings!.!.a lot!. Not normal 6-year-old songs!. She knows almost every song from Phantom of the Opera!. She knows almost every song from Wicked!. Several people have told me that she has a natural talent and that I should put her in voice lessons to help her develop it!.

I do not have an artistic bone in my body so I don't know if this is WAY too young to think about something like this or if this is the perfect time!

I've asked her and she wants to to do it!. I explained that it would be hard work at first!.

What is your opinion!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes!. 16 is a safe age to start private lessons!.!.!. 6 is about 10 years too young!

? It is not recommended to start serious private lessons until you're a teenager!.

? The exact age depends on the person!. 16 is a safe age to start private lessons for most; the age is often younger for girls like your daughter!.The reasoning behind not starting until you're a teenager is that you need to be done with puberty or be nearing the end of puberty!. Intense singing before or during puberty can result on too much strain on the vocal cords, which can result with permanent damage!.

? Your daughter can still start private lessons as long as it's not serious, as long as it's fun and relaxed, and as long as the teacher knows how to teach children who are not ready to study seriously yet!. However, it's still recommended that she waits until she's older!.

? If you do start private lessons with your daughter while she's young, be constantly aware of how your daughter is doing!. If she seems sick or tired, do not push her to practice singing!. Make sure the songs are easy and comfortable to sing, with no notes that are too high!.

? An alternative option to private lessons is to sign her up for a youth theater or drama class, which gives her opportunities to act in addition to singing!. Check your local community center!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Six is too young for full-blown voice lessons!. If you can find a vocal coach who specializes in working with children, then she can take some classes and learn the basics of breathing, projection, diction, etc!. But if she starts "belting" or singing like Annie or Ethel Merman, STOP! This can cause nodules on the vocal chords, which can ruin her voice permanently (they can be removed sugically, but there is a serious risk of injury, and you still haven't treated the cause)!.
I suggest waiting until the voice matures and settles a little before starting lessons!.!.!. around age 15 or 16!. In the meantime, find a community theatre group or a children's choir for her to join!. She can learn a lot of the healthy techniques there with a lot less risk of future damage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think you should let her decide on her own when she gets older and let her have fun with singing right now!. its best that she gets a chance to grow up!. maybe let her audition for a school play or for a local musical every now and then!. she will let you know when she wants to share her musical talent!. until then just let her have her fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It will be great for learning the fundamentals, but realize that a lot of the vocal control part of the lessons will be thrown out the window when her voice changes!. You could always talk to a voice teacher and ask them what they think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it is something she really wants to do then go for it!.
However, if there comes a time that she is no longer having fun doing it and it is becoming hard for you to keep her focused on practicing, let her stop!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If she really wants to do this and you think that she can prosper, then you should put her in lessons!. There are many people with talents that could have been better if they started out at a younger age!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The thing is, when you start children off with voice lessons at such a young age, they have to relearn their whole voice technique when their voice changes!. better to wait!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, six is not too young!. Sounds as if she may be a natural!. Encourage her by teaching her the correct breathing techniques!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Better to learn correctly early and not have to "fix" bad habits later!.!.!.just keep it fun for her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com